Calling KP

1 day off coffee here

Its hell

ive seen the glory on the other side, ill make it through

[quote=“The Wild Colonial Bhoy, post: 913796, member: 80”]1 day off coffee here

Its hell

ive seen the glory on the other side, ill make it through[/quote]

Day 5 pal. The world is a beautiful place.

I had to collect some scones at a local bakery on friday and was super confident that my will power was unstoppable as I marched in the door.

To my horror the young lady was just in the middle of hand grinding a few bags of Badger & Dodo Beans. Immediately I was thrashing through my pockets furiously, seeking out the 2.20 needed for the double shot…
Suddenly a calmness decended over me… The fact that my body was now rid of this toxin meant that the physical reliance wasnt there and it was only the phycological path that was left… so using some basic NLP tricks I stood there and straightened myself, paid for my scones and left the shop.


[quote=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 913801, member: 686”]Day 5 pal. The world is a beautiful place.

I had to collect some scones at a local bakery on friday and was super confident that my will power was unstoppable as I marched in the door.

To my horror the young lady was just in the middle of hand grinding a few bags of Badger & Dodo Beans. Immediately I was thrashing through my pockets furiously, seeking out the 2.20 needed for the double shot…
Suddenly a calmness decended over me… The fact that my body was now rid of this toxin meant that the physical reliance wasnt there and it was only the physiological path that was left… so using some basic NLP tricks I stood there and straightened myself, paid for my scones and left the shop.


inspirational post by an inspirational poster

You’ll be back, you’ll both be back. I find it hard to believe that coffee can have such a hold over folk. Bizarre.