Calling non historians that want inane tittle tattle about history

I played pubs league game for Thompsons back in the day.


You orange bastard

I did my best as a 15 year old ringer.

I even took the first penalty in the shoot out. I was very honest and naive and placed the ball in the penalty spot. I didn’t my best to kick it out of it and hit the target. But unfortunately for me the keeper made a handy save.
After that the ref allowed lads to place the ball to the side of the penalty hole. We ended up winning 3-2 I think was the score in the end.
Back then for a few scoops and I got my red lemonade.

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There’s always wan


Mulhuddart was always a rough town.

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a grave injustice

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Sounds like they got foulked up

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This may be where ‘the clare shout’ originated from. @Raylan @Big_Dan_Campbell

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Some right looking gurriers in those mugshots.

You can see why non of them hit the target in their shoot out.

Hi @Tim_Riggins and @glasagusban .

I saw you arguing on a thread i cant post on … but I’d like to pull you up a tweet Tim posted.

In the tweet the author references a Limerick pogrom as proof Ireland is anti Semitic.

The event, which was an over zealous speech from a priest that some of his flock reacted to. Was not a pogrom.

a number of jewish people continued to live in Limerick a nimber of years after the event and eventually because of dwindling numbers more than anything - they predominately moved to Cork. Cork had a bigger Jewish community. And fyi - Cork is in Ireland.



@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy and @Locke why didn’t protestants just become members of the orthodox church? What’s the difference in how they both view the Catholic church?

They didn’t want to grow beards

im a Maoist Catholic mate, ask me any questions on that