Campaign against British Cheese Makers

Apparently the packaging machine is so expensive it is cheaper to ship it there and back than to buy a machine here. Imagine how expensive that machine must be!

The mind boggles.

Trillions I’d say, at least.

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A good packaging line will cost millions.

Violent republicans such as myself will understand the importance of the porpoganda war. Today’s brace assault on Lidl Baldoyle involved taking soup and placing it alongside the British cheese . Baldoyle folk will understand the clear symbolism of this action - take the British cheese and you are a souper. See how’ve many slices of gloustershires finest you shift today lidl


You are The Irish version of the Vichy French, an apologist for British cheese . It was not made from Irish milk u cunt - stop trying to legitimize the enemy’s cheese

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Worst thread ever


Very similar to DeValera’s trade war this. Destroying Irish industry on the alter of an ideology. At least we got the Ports and some debt wiped then though.

The Lidl stock is inferior to that of Aldi. I’d ate this one until it came out my ears if I was let…

A fucking gimp of the highest order.


A cheese thread that grates


That’s the way it’s gone now. Stale banter and bad threads

Whey too much

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Cheese puns being thrown around like confeta.

Caesin point


I camembert any more of it


Time to gouda bed

I’m on a cheese roll

Some of you bastards don’t appreciate a good cheese joke

Actually emmental of you don’t appreciate a good cheese joke

These single puns are very easi

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