Capello sacked

Real Madrid have sacked Capello. Thought the league win might have saved him in spite of all the speculation. It’s a poor decision I think. He might have taken his time turning the club around but nothing happens instantaneously and they’re a much better side now than they were before he took over or midway through the season.

Yeah its really fooked up over there at Madrid. Wins the league for first time in 4 years in his first season at the club and gets the sack for it!

I here that they have the Getafe coach lined up for the job. No odds posted up on PP yet. Anyone know if there is any odds?

Schuster (the Getafe coach, ex-Real Madrid player from when I was a kid: before your time Gerry) certainly has a clause in his contract that allows him to go to Madrid and I think he’s agreed terms or something but even at that I’m not sure if he’s the first choice. I think they’ve done all this so that if they need a manager they can just give him the job but I wouldn’t be surprised if they went after Wenger or someone else first.

its then madrid way.
makes no sense to anyone outside spain but within the confines of la liga this is nothing new.
they place as much emphasis,if not more,on the way you play the game and not necessarily on the result.
its an aesthetic view. and one reason why the madrid hierarchy are the laughing stock of boardrooms acroos europe.
still…at least hey stopped those barca muppets winnin the league so every cloud eh!

The title of this thread reads as

Capello sacked by therock67

You not a fan Rocko?

Post edited by: Flano, at: 2007/06/28 14:44

Real president Ramon Calderon told Marca newspaper: “We’ve laid the foundations, but we need to find a more enthusiastic way of playing.”

Sums Real up really

As I said previously Real were a team on the up. Very harsh on Capello. La Liga should be as fascinating next year as ever.

I was surprised myself when Van Nistlerooy went there. He is certainly not the most exciting player ever but he extremely effective. Maybe Real is proof winning isn’t everything

although the spainish are succesful with clubs side they have a lot to learn from the Italians about how to win games/tournaments

fingal raven wrote:

although the spainish are succesful with clubs side they have a lot to learn from the Italians about how to win games/tournaments

Fair point raven.

I’m not surprised. I don’t think he played that big a part in winning it. It had a lot to do with Barca’s complete capitulation and Sevilla falling short due to lack of squad depth and getting to the final of the UEFA Cup. They played pretty rubbish football for most of the season and their turnaround in form is being credited more to senior players like Raul grabbing things by the scruff of the neck and sorting the dressing room out - this would include the players going above Capello to get the President to reinstate Beckham for example.

Completely disagree with you there Bandage. It was only natural that the team would take a while to gel under a new manager. Capello might not have been the only factor in their league win (and Barca and Sevilla helped) but the run they put together and the turnarounds they achieved in matches showed the progression they had made.

They’ve to do it all again under someone else next season.

I don’t think he gelled the team, rather the players achieved it themselves helped by Barcelona somehow conspiring to throw it away.

Schuster is pretty much a done deal from the looks of things, and his first major signing is set to be Gabi Militio.

Saviola to sign for Zaragoza.

a bit simplistic there Bandage - why didnt the senior players do this any of the last 4 years

2 years in spain - 2 la ligas for capello

And why did Real Madrid hire a manager like Capello if they didn’t like how he played football? They’ve sacrificed stability for image once again.

Did Capello’s treatment of Beckham have an influence on his sacking? I was in the Bernabeu for Real v Valencia and I couldn’t get over the reaction of the fans to Beckham. They absolutely adore him. Beckham was on the bench and when he went for a warm up he got a standing ovation.

doubt it to be honest
the mirror & some other rags said it did but I think thats just the English media - Capello was lucky enough to last the season

He only lasted the season because they couldn’t get anyone else in that time in February when they were knocked out of Europe.

Either way, I don’t think he wanted to stay any more than they wanted him to stay, the parting was always going to happen, the only question was the money. He’ll be hovering over Ranieri’s shoulders now, waiting for the Tinkerman to screw up so he can have his old job back.

Rumours doing rounds that Capello has got the sack or that FA are due to announce date of his departure.