Card Games

I’d say so. Two cards for a 2, Jacks reverse, 8 skips etc.

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Also known as take 2 I think

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Had one table of 110 going tonight. Not one for the purists but a great laugh. It just doesn’t get better than 110 with friends.

Two rounds of 110. Outrageous cheating going on. Couple of bad mistakes that caused ruckus. Great craic

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Is 110 similar to 25?

Magnificent way to spend an evening.

Tis quite similar alright. Havent had a game in a long time. Must teach the kids and get away from the Uno.

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Having the lads around for the first game of 45s of 2025 tonight.


It’s the same rules for the hands. But the preamble is different. A great game. But everyone needs to be able to play. One card in the wrong place can blow the whole thing up

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My auld fella was known as being one of the best 25 players around. He thought himself too good to play a game with us mere mortals and it was actually our uncle who thought us, I’ve played a few games in the local pub and there are many comments of ‘well it wasn’t off the grass you licked it’. If only they knew.


Outstanding :clap:

They take their cards very seriously in Leitrim. I used to have stand up rows with the father in law over dealing 3232 or 2223 and what cards were played.

For devilment, every now and again, I’d put the joker into the pack before I dealt


Even locally here you’d have different families playing a variance of the rules for 110, so it’s important to set out the house rules beforehand.

The joker is used in the neighbouring parish but you’d get a clip if you suggested using it in the local.

Bar the joker, the rest of the rule differences are generally around how the bidding goes before each hand or how the game finishes. The actual play once the game starts is identical to 21/25/41/45

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110 is a great game with loads of local variations:

Calling a bell worth 60. Buying or no buying of cards allowed.

Having, or not, to go out on a bid.

Contributing to the pot for a failed bid.

Losing best trump after 85 or 90 or in some houses not at all.

The tradition of dealer’s trick unless high man.


My rules

  • No joker
  • dealer can hold a call
  • dealer has to take it if no call and can’t look at the dummy hand first
  • hand starts from left of dealer
  • Making Double Bubble / Bell = 60
  • buy of 3 cards max
  • flexible on the finish

That caused a row the other night. Half the table said he could look, half said no fucking way.

During the ruckus my partner, the dealer, looked at me and mouthed “I’ve fucking nothing” but before I could respond we were copped and carnage ensued.

He called diamonds and I had the 5 in my hand :joy: Genuine fluke but we were called all sorts when I fired it out to save the 15

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Always a joker in the deck in Cork, and you have to finish on a bid, you can’t go over 90.

Don is a great card game that we played a lot in college though o wouldn’t have a clue how to play now

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That would be our rule too, but it can vary. If fellas only want a quick game you can go straight out.