Career Change

We’re gonna be more and more behind screens. Ordering instead out shopping.

Customer service
Software /IT
Or logistics

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Also, care of the elderly is gonna be a goldmine in the next few years. Lot of different aspects to that.

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While we are at it… What changes to society/business are here to stay or grow due to covid? Surely some genius is on the verge of coming out with some revolutionary new way of doing something?

Isn’t there an assisted dying bill on the way so do you mean take care of them al Pacino style? Not sure it’s an area I want to get into but a good suggestion

Airplane storage.

Seriously though, you can get a qualification in pretty much anything these days. Not sure if a Level 6 in Basket Making will bring in the bucks, but if it made you happy… :thinking:

I swears the next course/certification I get, if I ever get one, will be something I’m actually genuinely interested in.

That’s the other side of it aren’t degrees practically worthless now as every gobshite has one? I just want to upskill to a growth industry. Is that too much to ask?

Check out the Springboard courses.
But you are probably too late for this years round, unless there is some that start in January.

I’d be looking at a next autumn start date so no panic there. This is all theoretical and hypothetical, so far, of course.

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What skill set were you thinking of? A decent handyman will get all the work he wants these days.

I have a vacancy for a van driver in the aul flytipping if your interested. Comes with a very decent night shift allowance.

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I’m now a relationship coach.


You could well be on to something there, something not physically demand (as in you could do it in your 50s) that people will pay you money do do as they can’t is certainly a way to go. I’m just throwing out a net here. Hoping to catch a salmon of knowledge.

What kind of relationships?

This is TFK - you’re more likely to catch a cod


Like a parish priest?



True. Should I go to a career guidance pro or tweet bressie.

Basically I’m in a job now that I don’t mind, money’s ok, it’s not complicated. And it is safe enough. But if I got sick of it, or fucked up and got the bullet, I’d have nothing to fall back on. I’d be selling cars or on the line in Medtronic or something. So it’s the safety net idea (but maybe total pivot) allied to a wish to be able to do something that’s interesting and future proof

what do you enjoy doing?
what do you spend most time doing?

Is there something in the delta between those two that you can monetize?

Future proofing is related to you not getting sick of the next thing as well. You have to enjoy it

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Does the University of Groningen have a BA in destroying people on the internet?