Career Change

“the delta” FFS use English will you.


Chartered Accountant mate. Can’t go wrong with that qualification.

That will be some earner in a few years. Meltdowns are going to go off the chart

Be great to do bressie out of some business, but psychology degrees are only a stepping stone to years of masters after. Tits on a bull stuff.

FFS @maroonandwhite I wanted you to take care of them, not “take care” of them

Nothing is future proof. We are about 5 years from computers becoming self aware

they’ll get there quicker than you



Data science is the fastest growing field and one that isn’t as demanding on programming skills as a software engineer. You can do an online course or boot camp which would give you an idea if it is for you or not. To get a good career going you would need a degree in computer science or math and a masters in data science. It’s a fascinating field though and covers literally every industry, huge application in health care.

I’d dispute that. Data science application requires a very high skill level in a chosen programming language

Fair enough, it’s not my field but from what I’m told Python and R are relatively easy to learn at least to a basic level. Like everything the more in depth you get into it the harder it gets.

lab grown meat engineer
kelp farming
bike repair man


How’s he going to get himself grown in a lab?

[quote=“The_Selfish_Giant, post:618, topic:22528, full:true”]
lab grown meat engineer
kelp farming
bike repair man

You forgot one

They’re the most popular languages in the field. Python is relatively straightforward to learn. R has a steep learning curve. The libraries in python for data science like numpy etc aren’t straightforward. Pandas and data frames take a bit of getting used to.

I’d say after statistical analysis and maths high levels of proficiency in a programming language are vital for that role

You are 100% though, they’re like hens teeth and everyone wants a good one. You’d be able to name a salary. It’s a challenging field to break into


Cycle lane segregation consultant

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What about making perukes? They cost from 500 to 3k. Cant be that difficult.

Thanks for the suggestions guys, keep em coming. I’m fairly computer illiterate outside of office so see little chance of breaking into that field to be honest.

you have a great empathetic nature and are a very kind and generous person

commodify that


Someone is still going to have to put diesel in the cunts.