Career Change

Fixing computers I’d imagine will surely be a secure enough job?
Trouble is most folk just chuck them out when they’re broken.
Repairing kitchen appliances seems a good number, and you’ve every chance of getting a ride going by the documentaries I’ve seen.


Lovely post.

Nutritionist? I’d say there’s a few handy diplomas available it it.

The Huel revolution might impact on the longevity of it as a career

Are they not ten a penny on Instagram though?

Good topic bump given the times we are in. When the corona virus first came in I vowed that I would do some studying part time so that I have a Plan B, as I am very pigeon holed the last decade towards one discipline. I haven’t got around to choosing what to do yet but I like anything in the commerce field. I considered computer courses too but would be starting from no base there. Also I figured there was a danger that if I get a computer qualification now would it be useless in 15 years the way software could move on in the short to medium term? @TreatyStones

Has anyone here done a bit of part time study while having a full time job and how did they find it? Sligo IT have a range of courses you can do totally remotely, this was before the virus came in, so I guess more institutions will go this way too and offer the same in time. I couldn’t find anything at Sligo I wanted to do straight away though. I suppose I’d rather something remote than having to go in somewhere in the evenings.

I did an MSC while in full time employment. It was very challenging

What’s an MSC? Masters? How long did it take ?

2 years. Yeah a masters. Was putting in about 40 hours a week on top of 40+ working.

Not easy.

Same here, couldn’t imagine doing it if you had kids.

Not a fucking chance for me anyway

It’s a killer… I was working in 3 different part time jobs doing my thesis, more or less full time work…the gowl acting coming and going would eat up a lot of time. And while you think you’d be grand after work to do a bit, your head is never fully in the game. You have to be good with your time and focus.

Are you driving a shovel?

Stay a million miles away from IT.


Speed van operator.

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I was playing ball as well so youd be training 3 nights a week and a game.

It was a remote learning masters so I didnt have to go near campus and you could do it at your own pace. Lectures were recorded. They ran from 7pm to 11pm. Study then for a while. Full days at it Saturday and Sunday.

100% worth it as I was in a similar situation to @Smark and this got me out of a job I could have been in and not enjoying for 40 years

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Try Coursera if you want to get a feel for a particular area with a short online course before committing to something longer term.

Will give you an indication of some online masters from UK or US also.


That sounds like hell. I won’t be doing a master’s anyway just an entry level thing in something totally different to my current role is all I want and maybe take it from there bit by bit. I don’t want to leave my area of work at all, just to have it as a back up option if I needed to pivot quickly due to unforseen circumstances.

Engineering / Automation is one to consider if you are thinking of something toward computers…

See can you get the job to pay for it for you. Tell them you’re looking to up skill

Just completed an MSc, head wreaking at the sharp end.


Congratulations. You must have a mighty woman behind you