Career Change

I sent you a follow on strava.


Part time study with kids is a fucking nightmare and I’d struggle to sign up for it again.

I spread my legs and showed my class :smiley:


Did that dog get his hair cut yet?

Did you beat me at golf in that month too?

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I’m some man for one man

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You after your second, third and fourth shots on the 3rd…

The 5th, 6th and 7th weren’t much better.

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Aye, did a SQL server cert there lately, it was frustrating that the question “What versions of SQL Server is MDS compatible with?” didn’t have “I’m pretty sure I could Google this if I ever actually wanted to install it” as an answer.

Many solutions are various levels of hacky bullshit?

No solution is any level of hacky bullshit, that’s not a solution

Shocking lack of imagination on display here. Numerous variations on the desk job theme.


There are two types of job in Ireland that pay well. Accounting related shite and tech related shite.
A trade would be the thing to have these days, any lad I know with a trade is flying it. Serious shortage of every trade


It’s very hard to reskill to a trade if you aren’t a young man. You’ve a few years only earning fuck all and doing donkey work

Ya bit late for us. I’ve a few mates who were clearing massive money while I was in college. You’d be wondering what the fuck you were bothering with education for. Then the bust came and it was like, okay here’s where it pays off. Then they all fucked off to Australia and were making even better money :joy:

I know two people who had high flying jobs and changed to social worker/psychiatric jobs. They are fulfilled but earning fuck all

But your ceiling is way higher than theirs in what youd earn in your career

If the solution wasn’t some level of hacky bullshit it wouldn’t be a problem in the first place.

If you fix a problem with hacky bullshit it creates 5 more problems. Trust me.

I don’t know man. One of the lads is in a mine over there and he’s making over 200k AUD a year and they feed you and house you. Now it’s shit craic but still. 3 weeks on then they fly you wherever you want within reason for a week. He was doing a week in Bali and Thailand and all these places. All stopped now of course, and only a young mans game.

He’s enough cash to buy a house with no mortgage. Same fella has a small fortune in bitcoin, been buying it since way back. The lads reckoned he’d a million quid of it at the peak. But he bought a load of the shite coins as well so I don’t know where he’s at now

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