Career Change

They have what? 5 years max at that? Then what? You’ve 40 odd years almost guaranteed money

Ah ya. I wouldn’t be one to work hard for a living anyway. Life is too short

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I was like that until I worked for myself.

That all depends on who owns the current problem, how long it’ll take to fix, and who owns the future problem.

At least if you are working for yourself it’s you getting the rewards. Working hard for someone else to make a fortune is a pure mugs game

It isn’t. If you work hard you’ll get the money. You can get quite high in multinationals with very little talent if you are willing to tongue hole and put in the hours

Fellas like you are the reason I’m able to charge the rate I do. Keep at it and thanks

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I’m glad we can keep you occupied, sounded like you were getting worried there for a while.

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Gosh, of course! Nobody has ever created a bad “solution” to an existing problem and made things worse.

We’re back baby!

I’ll regale ye with my client some time but basically I’m going in fixing ashutosh in the uk


Of course they have and it costs millions in technical debt that someone has to come in and unravel

What would lads reckon is good money here at the moment?

I ageee with you in that you have to offset that against your quality of life etc,

In Limerick, I guess 60-70k would be comfortable enough, depends what your missus is doing too though and your outgoings.

If I was going back salary I wouldnt take anything less than 90k

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In limerick that would be loads. €100k between ye would have you comfortable enough. You’d probably want €150k between ye in Dublin for the same lifestyle. Maybe more

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Very good money pal - would you have to put in a savage effort for it though?

40 hours.

I wouldn’t get out of bed for less than €10k a month. It’s why I’ve been working from my bed for the last 6 months

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Ashutosh is only doing what we, eh, told him to do, no questions asked. :laughing:

Think we’re in a very good position now in that our new mortgage is about 16-17%of our net income, with both of us having good scope to up our wages over the next few years.

Don’t know how covid will go yet though in terms of taxes and uncertainty for jobs longterm.

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I’m at the lucrative end of that viscous circle at the moment but it’s always turning