Career Change

You must be fairly high up in a multinational to be pulling in that coin

Jaysus you hadn’t a pot to piss in last week and now you’re contemplating an apartment in Bulgaria

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@EstebanSexface 01072020" times are tough for me guys and te future is bleak, thanks for the support on here,i wont forget it"

@EstebanSexface 101020 " fuck you guys - 90Gs baby"


One car family at the moment really helps too.

Real game changer financially lads.


cars lie idle 90% of the time, why have 2

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Depending on how viscous it actually is you must really have to roll your sleeves up.

I hadn’t worked in 6 months.

Since I was 14 I’ve worked multiple jobs. Shops, pubs, paper rounds, delivering pizzas, buildings.

It was a new pasture for me and I didn’t like it.

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100% , we were ahead of the curve there and with wfh, there’s no need for two at all.

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It was a joke mate. I’m not getting 10k a month so I’m working from the bed. My salary is way below that, took a pay cut a few years back to move into something that wouldn’t destroy my soul. Should have been back to where I was by now but covid fucked any pay rise. Hopefully before year end. I’m on a promise with a year at this stage


We dont all live in a City

eh… car sharing

You need leverage to get money out of some cunt of a middle manager. Either be indespensible or go after their job.

Our very own Gordon gekko


I’m giving you nuggets here. Appreciate it

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he has turned into a monster

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Electrician is the way to go. High demand and only going up. Loads of weekend work

Shit work if you’re with one of the big companies like Kirbys

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I’ve a few good friends who are qualifed and are very good electricians.

One lad is in 4th year of his trade, another lad has abandoned it other than tommers as @EstebanSexface has pointed out due to travel and uncertainty and the other is out on his own and flying it, literally.

Snobbery towards trades 10-15 years ago is thankfully turning though.

It’s the worst paying trade.