Career Change

No…a third one :joy:.

The ‘dream’ one fobbed me off with some laughable bullshit. The public sector is a complete joke in Ireland.

Not the one I was chatting to you about?

Not your problem

No… Similar tho. But not the golden egg that is pharma cc @EstebanSexface



:joy: Even if there was some consistency across the public sector it might help but alas no… Reinventions of the wheel everywhere and no clear policy on anything withou referring to about 20 circulars that go back to in 1964… I kid you not.

There’s only so many golden pensions to go around.


and the noobs dont get them either

They score your application against their criteria… Shur they just make the scoring up . The scores I got back for this job were almost laughable… I was over qualified if anything. I didn’t waste my energy following it up or I’d have gone nuclear. It’s clear internal candidates were being lined up.

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Congrats mate. I’m delighted to see that this new job has done nothing to diminish your posting levels round here

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Bridie probably pulled her niece in.


I had to sort out the brother, he drank his portion of farm, wife is gone and his kids hate him. It had to go through the process so apologies for the old waste of time. Sure you learned loads in the process I’d say.

Glad you got sorted.


Shur nothing works. A dream start.

That’s how it goes.

You’ve too much going for you to go down that road

What’s the going rate to ask for in a Car Allowance? 15k or so?

would that be about 7.5k net? Push 18

Close to 9k I’d imagine as it would be taxed at the higher band of 40%

Have you a car already that you’ll keep - you’ll have to pay a benefit in kind on top of tax?

How many 3k laps of your house do you drive on an average working day?

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