Career Change

I have a car but commuted to work via the DART. But I am contemplating making a run at a different role in the company which has opened up, would mean I would be in a different office and not serviceable by public transport so feel I could push for a car allowance if I do. Just trying to gauge as to what the going rate is

there’s usually a flat rate the company give for it.

I wouldn’t push too hard on it, little gain and they’ll screw you in pay rise or some other way in the future

I thought car allowance was only if you needed your car to do the actual job. Not for commuting


would you not be better off going for a mileage expense?

Car allowance can be given as a benefit to top up salary. But as you say, there will be established ranges for the allowance based on job grade.

cc Davy Fitzgerald

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@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy advise this man of his folly and remind him of the cycle to work schemes devised exactly for these type of scenarios

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yep, real luddite shit from @Big_Dan_Campbell


I would surely get an electric car for my commute


Some multinationals give car allowances to all employees above a certain level of experience.

€12k is what I’ve heard.

18k at top end of it

If you aren’t going to do 30k kms don’t bother with the company car. I got one in 2020 and am slaughtered with BIK as fuck all milage

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Handy way of giving a pay rise under the radar and that isn’t pensionable also

I’d rather get my pay rise through review or something. They’ll hold that against you. At least if you get it through proper means it’s permanent.

Seems like a once off fob off that suits the company

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In my place you can’t take car allowance or a car. If you take the allowance you can claim milage also at a flat rate. It certainly wouldnt be held against you

It’s an annual, permanent payment

held against you probably the wrong phrase… accounted for.

When the pay review comes up the gaffer will be looking and saying we gave him 18k in car allowance… could be the difference of a few % in the pay scale. I’d rather it on the pay scale.

You’re weakening your negotiation stance by accepting it, in my opinion

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Wouldn’t agree with that but I don’t know where you are working. If an option is presented to you take a car or take a car allowance then its a straight decision. This is a v common payment its not an unusual situation at all

I haven’t worked in a multinational in a long time, but I know when they were scrimping that’s how it went down

Surely the company has rates already in place?

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Can anyone tell me what happens to the restricted stock units I have if I leave the company I work for?

Assume I get to keep any which have been awarded to me but those which have yet to mature or reach their vesting will be lost?

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That is normally how it works. If they are vested to you over time you keep the ones that have vested from the date of the award to your date of leaving .

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The whole point of stock options is the reward loyalty. If you leave before they mature you are shit out of luck. Think you are entitled to the money you might have put in back though. A lot of companies that give stock options once a year call the week after they are earned quitting week because everyone’s been waiting all year to quit