Career Change

Better the devil you know

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You seem the happiest person at work here Mike.
I’d be unable not to go for a promotion until about this year. Now I’m just weary and I’d think long and hard. It depends on the job.
What you don’t want, which often seems to happen, is someone else gets it who then tries to inflict themselves on you.


Bear in mind one lad was 40 odd, had 300k saved, and reckoned he could retire in 3 years.

Hear them out Mike ,if it’s work you can handle easily then the less bosses you have all the better but if it’s more hours and hassle then you’d be mad to give up being in a comfort zone especially if you have plenty of autonomy in current role…


You’ll hardly get a pint and a package of crips for that in 5 years.

Exactly, the fucking eejits will get landed with all the childcare.

Go for interview Mike,ask plenty of questions at the end,whether it be weekends off,increased hours etc. Talk/discuss with your other half,add up pros/cons.

Ask will you get the key to the executive jacks.

Will you be cut off from free Ferreros @iron_mike

Au contraire Rodney
Au contraire

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Do the interview lad. You can always turn it down

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But tread carefully in doing so. Any offer of promotion should be treated with the utmost respect imho.

The lad thinking he can retire in 4 years because he has 300k set aside at 38 is leaving in dreamland.

The one bit of advice I’d give to people is to pay down the mortgage as soon as they can. Once the family home is secure you have great flexibility career wise.


Debt free is the way to be

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:rollseyes: ……

Lads borrowing to buy cars are the biggest mugs of all.


He has the life of Riley, driving around the country listening to the radio then stopping to talk shit about hurling.


Charlie McCreevy had it right. " Ill spend it when I have it and won’t when I don’t " Fuck it. Whats the point?

Charlie McCreevy bankrupted the country.


Why would you want to retire that young anyway? You’d go off your head.