Careful what you say to the ex-missus

From skynews website:

[b]Man’s Penis ‘Burned Like A Torch’
Updated: 09:10, Thursday August 23, 2007

A man is recovering after his ex-wife set fire to his penis in a fit of frustration.

The injury was 'monstrously painful’She lost her temper as he sat watching TV - naked and sipping vodka.

It is not clear if the man will make a full recovery.

A Moscow policewoman said: “It’s difficult to predict.”

The attack was apparently the climax of three years of enforced co-habitation.[/b]

Post edited by: BenShermin, at: 2007/08/23 13:54

Post edited by: BenShermin, at: 2007/08/23 15:51

Re:Careful waht you say to the ex-missus

They were still living together which made matters worse. What the fook was he doing watching the tv naked anyway. Id say she wanted to jump on, he said no, and she burnt him.

Re:Careful waht you say to the ex-missus

This story may be replicated a few years down the line on the ABC website, when Brian is too poor to afford clothes