Celeb Spot Near Misses Thread


This is a thread for posting celeb spots that fail to make the grade on the main Celeb Spotting thread.


The criteria for inclusion here is

  1. they must first of all meet the primary rules for recognition, i.e. a celebrity must have been spotted. That means no non-celebrities can be included and no hearing celebrities on the phone or something.
  2. they must not be valid for the main thread for reasons other than:
    [indent]2a. status of celebrityness* or
    2b. encountering the celebrity in the course of his/her professional or celebrity duties.[/indent]


So what gets included here?

  • well maybe a celeb slipped your mind (shame on you) and it’s past the two week mark
  • maybe you’re a new member here and you want to let people know you spotted someone a year ago
  • or maybe a close relative or friend spotted the celebrity and if only you’d been there then you’d have had a legitimate spot.
  • maybe you caught a fleeting glance of someone on Grafton Street but weren’t sure if it was Obama or not. A glance at the next day’s Irish Times shows Obama striding out of Burger King on Grafton Street and you’re thinking that was probably he. Your conscience won’t let you claim a full spot because you didn’t really get all the details and you can’t be 100% sure of its accuracy. Post it here instead.

Importance of this thread in its own right

This is definitely the poorer cousin of the main celeb spotting thread but I don’t want this to descend into a plate or shield for also-rans that didn’t make the main thread. Hence the rule above about non-celebs* and also the following additional rule:


Any post on the main forum and rejected as a non-spot will not be recognised as a legitimate near miss here. This is a valid thread in its own right and it will not have to make do with cast-offs from the main thread. If it’s a near miss then post it here, if it was posted elsewhere first then it’s thread-tied so to speak and won’t count here.


  • The only exception to non-celebrities that may be included here are pure dead ringers for celebrities. So if someone is mildly famous but not a celebrity then it’s no dice. But if you spot a guy who you think might be tv’s Ray Meagher but you’re not sure and a google throws up nothing about him being in Ireland then feel free to let us know here.


The rules are fairly self-explantory but the official adjudication team for this thread shall be Locke and Rocko.

And we’re off

Locke you might start us off…

Who decides what is a valid spot on the main thread? :smiley:

-Mark Bosnich.
-Sitting outside a Thai restaurant on Coogee Bay Road in south Sydney.
-New Year’s Eve
-Eating a sneaky thai meal.
-Buzzing off a mate on the blower who had asked if he was on the beach yet., saying ‘well I can see the beach’.
-Spotted by my mate. I passed the spot about 2-3 hours later.

The restaurant is the first Thai on the left if you’re coming up from the beach.
They do an excellent prawn red curry.

[quote=“Juhniallio”]-Mark Bosnich.
-Sitting outside a Thai restaurant on Coogee Bay Road in south Sydney.
-New Year’s Eve
-Eating a sneaky thai meal.
-Buzzing off a mate on the blower who had asked if he was on the beach yet., saying ‘well I can see the beach’.
-Spotted by my mate. I passed the spot about 2-3 hours later.

The restaurant is the first Thai on the left if you’re coming up from the beach.
They do an excellent prawn red curry.[/quote]

That’s the stuff. Cracking effort… a spot that would have been lost in the sands of time but for this thread.

Who - Will Ferrell
When - 27th Dec 2009
Where - Main Street Midleton, East Cork
Who spotted him - Mrs Locke
Wearing - Flat cap, large overcoat, blue jeans, brown shoes (no belt info)
Other info - Got a call from Mrs. Locke saying “you know yer man from that film you like, I just saw him there!” I nearly jumped out of my skin when I thought Tom Hanks from Saving Private Ryan or Penelope Cruz from whatever film she was in but no, she was talking about Anchorman and once I found out it wasn’t Steve Carell the gloss was gone off who it was. He’s a tall mother (her words, not mine) and was bounding down the Main Street in Midleton with a lady. Later on we heard he was looking for a place to eat, went into Finn’s and he shut down the place for him. It both confirmed the validity of the spot while adding to the story. Don’t know where he was lodging for the night, for that I apologize.
Additional info - Watched Anchorman again over the holidays, class show

Ill be adjudicating on the near misses here obviously.

[quote=“Juhniallio”]-Mark Bosnich.
-Sitting outside a Thai restaurant on Coogee Bay Road in south Sydney.
-New Year’s Eve
-Eating a sneaky thai meal.
-Buzzing off a mate on the blower who had asked if he was on the beach yet., saying ‘well I can see the beach’.
-Spotted by my mate. I passed the spot about 2-3 hours later.

The restaurant is the first Thai on the left if you’re coming up from the beach.
They do an excellent prawn red curry.[/quote]

Are you in Sydney yourself at the moment?,if you are its a near miss,if not,jog on.

Read the fooking post

[quote=“Locke”]Who - Will Ferrell
When - 27th Dec 2009
Where - Main Street Midleton, East Cork
Who spotted him - Mrs Locke
Wearing - Flat cap, large overcoat, blue jeans, brown shoes (no belt info)
Other info - Got a call from Mrs. Locke saying “you know yer man from that film you like, I just saw him there!” I nearly jumped out of my skin when I thought Tom Hanks from Saving Private Ryan or Penelope Cruz from whatever film she was in but no, she was talking about Anchorman and once I found out it wasn’t Steve Carell the gloss was gone off who it was. He’s a tall mother (her words, not mine) and was bounding down the Main Street in Midleton with a lady. Later on we heard he was looking for a place to eat, went into Finn’s and he shut down the place for him. It both confirmed the validity of the spot while adding to the story. Don’t know where he was lodging for the night, for that I apologize.
Additional info - Watched Anchorman again over the holidays, class show[/quote]

Thats a near miss:thumbsup:

[quote=“THE LINK WALSH”]Ill be adjudicating on the near misses here obviously.[/quote]:clap:

Think the decision will be with Rocko. I’ll take on the responsibility if required, being the good team player that I am.


[quote=“Juhniallio”]-Mark Bosnich.
-Sitting outside a Thai restaurant on Coogee Bay Road in south Sydney.
-New Year’s Eve
-Eating a sneaky thai meal.
-Buzzing off a mate on the blower who had asked if he was on the beach yet., saying ‘well I can see the beach’.
-Spotted by my mate. I passed the spot about 2-3 hours later.

The restaurant is the first Thai on the left if you’re coming up from the beach.
They do an excellent prawn red curry.[/quote]

Thats a near miss.:clap:

I think you people will find that i have a tfk patent on the words celeb,celebrity,spot and spotting,if these words are being used in a thread title then im automatically involved as an adjudictor on the thread,unless the thread title is changed im running things here on the CELEB SPOT Near Misses Thread:thumbsup:

I’ve updated the first post Locke to refer to the two of us as the adjudication team. We can share the workload.

Don’t make me ban you from this thread. I’d hate to have to do it but if that’s what it takes then I’ll do it so help me God.

Rocko any chance you could put manners on that Kilkenny fella?

Ah lovely…

When Rockos laying down the law you know your in trouble.http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/b/b6/Sheriff_J.W._Pepper_by_Clifton_James_2.jpg

Only two options are open to you at this juncture,you can either change the thread title to exclude the words i hold a patent on or you can get Bandage to issue me with a simple public apology on the site for the despicable way he handled the “who should run the celeb spotting” thread,this empasse is easily resolved.