Celeb Spotting šŸ



If a piece of gum got stuck to the sole of your shoe it would be your better half


The Runt 1 Mong Foley 0

I thought Cian was artā€™s better half

yeah maybe so, but itā€™d still say no to your engagement ring:cool:

The Runt 2 Mong Foley 0 :slight_smile:


sucker punch by foley - this one could go the distance

that was so shit it should be classed as an own goal

Runt 2 Foley 0

counting still not your forte, but your not getting a feud. Now back to gobshites of your own level like shan, cian foley and WITJ

Great minds Dunph!

[quote=ā€œThe Runtā€]that was so shit it should be classed as an own goal

Runt 2 Foley 0[/QUOTE]

Got there before you. Anyway, this could end in a cricket score. :slight_smile:

fools seldom differ:cool:

Stop trying to ruin the Celeb Spotting Thread. Now take your beating and toddle off.

foley throws in the towel

Shan and i are virtual friends, i could not feud with Shan. As for whiskeyinthejar, maybe youā€™d be more suited to his level. :slight_smile:

Who is Cian Foley?

[quote=ā€œThe Dunphā€]Shan and i are virtual friends, i could not feud with Shan. As for whiskeyinthejar, maybe youā€™d be more suited to his level. :slight_smile:

Who is Cian Foley?[/QUOTE]

Arts more intelligent brother.


[quote=ā€œThe Runtā€]that was so shit it should be classed as an own goal

Runt 2 Foley 0[/QUOTE]

Runty that was an own goal by you, your not the scorekeeper, foleys was a weak effort but you are after throwing him a lifelineā€¦As well you know, the two people involved in the feud cannot decide who is the winner, that is up to me and NCC

Runt 1 Mong Foley 1

[quote=ā€œThe Pukeā€]Runty that was an own goal by you, your not the scorekeeper, foleys was a weak effort but you are after throwing him a lifelineā€¦As well you know, the two people involved in the feud cannot decide who is the winner, that is up to me and NCC

Runt 1 Mong Foley 1[/QUOTE]

Dunph had already given the score.
He is very knowledgeable in this area.

[quote=ā€œThe Pukeā€]Runty that was an own goal by you, your not the scorekeeper, foleys was a weak effort but you are after throwing him a lifelineā€¦As well you know, the two people involved in the feud cannot decide who is the winner, that is up to me and NCC

Runt 1 Mong Foley 1[/QUOTE]

Incorrect Puke. As the only member of admin currently online i shall judge this contest.

The scores stand:

The Runt 2 Mong Foley 0