Celeb Spotting šŸ

Gway outta that, everyones heard of Dessie.

Ah yeah him Iā€™ve heard of. The other two :confused:

Havenā€™t a clue who they are either. Thereā€™s probably a good reason for this. Maybe weā€™d be better keeping it that way Flano.

Agreed. Ignorance, in this instance, is most certainly bliss.

[quote=ā€œfarmerinthecityā€]Who: Willie Doran

Famous for: Wexford hurler

Where: Outside Dundrum Shopping Centre

When: Last night around 7.30pm

Wearing: A heavy winter overcoat over a suit

Company: Another bloke

Other info: Willie was walking away from the Centre as I spotted him. I shared a few words with him and enquired about his current place of work. He somehow appeared to know me as he addressed me as ā€˜Farmerā€™ and wondered if this spot would make it onto the celeb spotting thread tomorrow. I mentioned that GAA players are generally not normally allowed and he mentioned something about how it wasnā€™t in Coppers so it should be. Good enough reason for inclusion I thought although I was a little miffed that he thought himself worthy of being a celebrity. He is of course but he didnā€™t have to say that he was.[/quote]

in summary,
i met a random no mark who apparently plays hurling for a local junior club side and he was wearing a coat in the company of another man.

what a downright stupid post.

Flano, set IRONFIST on this mong.

[quote=ā€œmickee321ā€]in summary,
i met a random no mark who apparently plays hurling for a local junior club side and he was wearing a coat in the company of another man.

what a downright stupid post.

Flano, set IRONFIST on this mong.[/quote]

:smiley: Farmer was on a wind up with that post.

[quote=ā€œmickee321ā€]in summary,
i met a random no mark who apparently plays hurling for a local junior club side and he was wearing a coat in the company of another man.

what a downright stupid post.

Flano, set IRONFIST on this mong.[/quote]

Calling Willie Doran a no-mark is a fucking disgrace.

My spot was up there with the spot of Jimmy Doyle doing coke in New York and Desailly in the strip club.

Disappointed in you mate.

Farmer catches another fishy :smiley:

And what the fuck is your problem?
WITJ has been pulled up on here for destroying threads, in my opinion** you are an equally tiresome cunt with your inane, dull, boring, one liners that ruin each thread.
ill have you chased out of here before the weekend is done

**which is what matters on here

Mickee, Iā€™ve always found you one of the more level headed posters on here. Youā€™ve been quite angry of late. Whatā€™s up?

[quote=ā€œmickee321ā€]And what the fuck is your problem?
WITJ has been pulled up on here for destroying threads, in my opinion** you are an equally tiresome cunt with your inane, dull, boring, one liners that ruin each thread.
ill have you chased out of here before the weekend is done

**which is what matters on here[/quote]

Mickee when you go you just explode dont you :smiley:

Will you attend the Limerick Christmas party so I can buy you a drink in return for that tip?

[quote=ā€œmickee321ā€]And what the fuck is your problem?
WITJ has been pulled up on here for destroying threads, in my opinion** you are an equally tiresome cunt with your inane, dull, boring, one liners that ruin each thread.
ill have you chased out of here before the weekend is done

**which is what matters on here[/quote]

Mickee is kevving. :smiley:

Jog on would jew?

[quote=ā€œmickee321ā€]And what the fuck is your problem?
WITJ has been pulled up on here for destroying threads, in my opinion** you are an equally tiresome cunt with your inane, dull, boring, one liners that ruin each thread.
ill have you chased out of here before the weekend is done

**which is what matters on here[/quote]


[quote=ā€œJulio Geordioā€]Who: Mario Rosenstock
Famous for: Gift Grub
Where: The sporting emporium

When: Last night sometime

Info: Was out in the hall of the casino shifting some bird. I walked out and they break, she walks away.

I think I cock blocked him.[/quote]

Thatā€™s a spot :thumbsup:

Hereā€™s the proud father:


[quote=ā€œJulio Geordioā€]Who: Mario Rosenstock
Famous for: Gift Grub
Where: The sporting emporium

When: Last night sometime

Info: Was out in the hall of the casino shifting some bird. I walked out and they break, she walks away.

I think I cock blocked him.[/quote]

Not a spot.


[quote=ā€œJulio Geordioā€]Who: Mario Rosenstock
Famous for: Gift Grub
Where: The sporting emporium

When: Last night sometime

Info: Was out in the hall of the casino shifting some bird. I walked out and they break, she walks away.

I think I cock blocked him.[/quote]

Different class Julioā€¦ different class.

[quote=ā€œmickee321ā€]And what the fuck is your problem?
WITJ has been pulled up on here for destroying threads, in my opinion** you are an equally tiresome cunt with your inane, dull, boring, one liners that ruin each thread.
ill have you chased out of here before the weekend is done

**which is what matters on here[/quote]


Nora Ward? What the fook?

Nora Ward? What the fook?[/quote]

Frog Wardā€™s sister aswell.

Did she pollute the surrounding area with the foul smell of piss off her like she usually does KIB man?