Celeb Spotting šŸ

For a self proclaimed official adjudicator to be only reading this thread ā€˜by chanceā€™ is quite an insult to one of the best threads on the internet.

Id often deal with four or five spots at one time,id look in here around three times a day on a normal working day,unlike Bando and the boys above in the IFSC id have to be doing a bit here in work every now and againā€¦,as the only suitably qualified poster on this site i assumed the role of sole celeb spots adjudicator,until a worthy successor emerges ill continue to undertake the task in question.

im not a fan of mac by any stretch of the imagination but he is top dog now

Im afraid not,ive survived this latest attempt to overthrow the link rules regime,Declan Moffat will soon be appointed to a senior role within the Link Rules adjudication team.

After months of no spots, Julio went into over drive, five spots today, one double.

Who: Bobby Kerr & Sean Gallagher
Famous For: Two of the dragons off the tv. Mildly succesful businessmen.
Where:Baggot Street, Outside Chez Max
When:Around 2.15pm Today
Attire: Bobby was suited up with a red tie. Sean was suited up but with an pale blue open shirt.
Demeaner: Seemed in good form. Bobby was engaged in deep conversation with some lad while gallagher waited for him.
Other notes:Kerr is much bigger than I thought, while gallagher is small enough. Gallagher is very squinty, like a lad who forgot his glasses.

Who: Yvonne from fair city
Famous For: Fair City
Where:Baggot Street, outside Oā€™Donoghues
When: Around 5.15pm Today
Attire: Black leggings under a black skirt/top thingy
Demeaner: Seemed like a right surly bitch
Other notes: Nice body but a very big nose. Overall I would, but shes nothing special

Who: Declan Buckley
Famous For: Dressing up in drag to do telly bingo as Shirley Temple Bar
Where:Baggot Street, Outside Chez Max
When:Around 2.15pm Today
Attire: Bobby was suited up with a red tie. Sean was suited up but with an pale blue open shirt.
Demeaner: Seemed in good form. Bobby was engaged in deep conversation with some lad while gallagher waited for him.
Other notes:Kerr is much bigger than I thought, while gallagher is small enough. Gallagher is very squinty, like a lad who forgot his glasses.

After months of no spots, Julio went into over drive, five spots today, one double.

Who: Bobby Kerr & Sean Gallagher
Famous For: Two of the dragons off the tv. Mildly succesful businessmen.
Where:Baggot Street, Outside Chez Max
When:Around 2.15pm Today
Attire: Bobby was suited up with a red tie. Sean was suited up but with an pale blue open shirt.
Demeaner: Seemed in good form. Bobby was engaged in deep conversation with some lad while gallagher waited for him.
Other notes:Kerr is much bigger than I thought, while gallagher is small enough. Gallagher is very squinty, like a lad who forgot his glasses.

Who: Yvonne from fair city
Famous For: Fair City
Where:Baggot Street, outside Oā€™Donoghues
When: Around 5.15pm Today
Attire: Black leggings under a black skirt/top thingy
Demeaner: Seemed like a right surly bitch
Other notes: Nice body but a very big nose. Overall I would, but shes nothing special

Who: Declan Buckley
Famous For: Dressing up in drag to do telly bingo as Shirley Temple Bar
Where:Around Stephens Green
When:Around 6.00pm Today
Attire: Skinny jeans
Demeaner: Gay
Other notes: An awful smell of gay off him

Who: Davy Russell
Famous For: Jockey
Where: In the gutter outside the Dandelion
When: Around 6.15pm Today
Attire: Torn shirt, jeans covered in shit
Demeaner: Drunk as an ass
Other notes: Drinking vodka straight out of the bottle, revealing himself to passing tourists etc. At one stage he tried to ride off on a horse that was attached to a carraige shouting hup, wahey etc.
Iā€™ve never seen a man so drunk, obviously drinking for days.

Not a teetotaller.

Think yer man Gallagher is squinty cos he is almost totally blind. Heard him on about it on some chat show one night

Yeah my sister was at a conference he spoke at just at the weekend. He was put in the dumb kids class in school cos he couldnā€™t see the blackboard! He can only see about 10 yards ahead of him apparently.

Superb stuff from Julio there earlier. :lol: :clap:

I must say iā€™m very disappointed with my sole celeb spot on this thread, iā€™ll have to get out of Tour a bit moreā€¦

WHO: Colm Woolie Parkinson
FAMOUS FOR: Calling Micko a bluffer, being the leading member of Laois ā€œgolden generationā€, numberous underage medals at All Ireland and Provincial level, playing for Ireland in the Intl Rules.
WHERE: Baggot St Dublin
WHEN: Last Friday night
WEARING: T-shirt and torn designed jeans, unshaven with rathern excessive side burns.
ANY OTHER INFO: Woolie was heading into O Donoghues when I spotted him. He was with a few other footballer looking types, presumably Parnell players out drowning their sorrows after their defeat to Crokes earlier in the evening. Little did I know Woolie would go onto be his usual cheeky self on Newstalk just a few hours later, drawing down the ire of gobshites like Martin Breheny in the process. We exchanged nods and went on our separate ways. Woolie is an alright sort.

Sorry chief - canā€™t have that. I thought GGA players werenā€™t valid spots. Also does he even play county any more? I spot him every morning on the way to work usually shuffling down Merrion Square and no way would I consider him a spot.

His appearance on Newstalk on Saturday would currently make him a pundit in the media, thus making him a spot. GAA players were declared spots quite a long time ago I believe. Its a tenuous spot though considering Iā€™d know the chap a long time back mind you.


I know Pat Fitz a long time back and you donā€™t hear me going on about itā€¦

Which Pat Fitz?

dear lord- the new celeb spot adjudicator is boasting that his sister saw a clown from the dragon den at a conference- come back link-all is forgiven

What a spot !!!

Thats a spot.

Mac, I need a ruling on Benjamin Loose, aka Benji from Republic of Loose.

Possibly but weā€™ll wait to see what Mac says I suppose

Youā€™re a fairly deluded fella if you think I was boasting there NCC.

Bandage, sorry yer man doesnā€™t count as a spot. MBB, Parkinson isnā€™t even close to being a spot. GGA players, past or present are not spots.