Celeb Spotting 🐐


No for two reasons. I imagine you didnt spot him there in the last week, and also because he was in college there it would be classed as a working environment.

Is the working environment rule not related to the reason that he is a celebrity?

i.e. he is famous for being an actor not for being a student.

I thought the ruling related to being outside of their natural environment, at the time he was a student, so a university campus would be his natural environment.

But at the time Farmer he was a full time student, and not a jobbing actor. I do see your point, but I’d say at that stage in his life he was a student, who had acted in the past.

I’d imagine this spot has gone by its window of opportunity anyway unless KIBMan swung home for a few days recently but isnt Sheen long gone from Galway now anyway?

I imagine it was more of a theoretical question. Overdue spots are permitted on the Near Misses thread but he’s still ineligible anyway for environmental reasons.

Not a spot,him being a student of NUIG meant that he was essentially in his place of work at the time,much in the same way that spotting a GAA player at a hurling match wouldnt be a spot either.

Who: Bill O’Herlihy
Famous For: Being a foil to Dunphy and Giles on RTE’s soccer coverage
When: Today 12pm
Where: Tesco, Upper Baggot St. Dublin 2
Wearing: Dark suit
Notes: He is smallish and was gone past me in a flash as he sneaked out to the checkout in the off license section rather than queue at the normal checkout, a custom I am familiar with myself.

Who - Gary O Brien
Famous For - ATR presenter of Irish racing
Where - Fowlers Bar, Malahide
When - Monday 7 June 7pm - Midnight

Gary joined yours truly for a few pints of Arthur in his local pub in Malahide.

We discussed various topics from the future prospects of Cabernet Sauvignon to the lack of ambition of the Celtic board to who has been comforting Emma Spencer since her marriage split.

Due to work commitments this morning I left around midnight but learnt today that The Voice went on to Flannerys and Coppers.

Best fucking news I heard all day :wub:

A lad I know is friends with the lady in question from their days in Uni. A bit of a goer by all accounts is young Emma and to top it off he walked in on her getting shafted one night.

Not a spot!

Who:Shane Lowry
Famous For:Proffesional Golfer and current Irish Open champion
Where:At the Back of the Hogan Stand,Croke Park.
When:At half time during yesterdays game between Offaly and Galway
Attire:A black polo shirt,blue jeans,black plimsol type runners,an Offaly headband wrapped around his left wrist.

Other Notes:plenty,i noticed the golfer as i walked up to queue for a pint just after the half time whistle,he was just ahead of me in the queue in the company of three or four youngish fellas who were obviously his close friends,they were Country lookin lads wearing jersies and no gel in thier hair,you know the type,they were all in high spirits as they discussed Offalys surprisingly good 1st half showing before they began jostling each other with shoulders etc as boredom got the better of them whilst waitng for the pints,Lowry actively participated in this banter before the intervention of a black shirted security fella who told them to settle down a bit at which point they had got to the front of the queue anyway and got the pints in before heading away with them.Id say he might be an alright sort this lad,there wasnt a sign of a goofed up looking golf head type fella you might expect him to be associating with.

Thats a spot. Surprised Shane didnt pull a few premium tickets out through his contacts.

Is there anywhere these inbreds from Offaly can go without shouldering into each other and shouting ‘yup, yup, yup.’ Fucking despicable bastards.

I saw Roy Keane 3 times in last few days. Saturday night i went in to collect my brother and there he was in the Ovens Tavern having a few pints with what looked like his brother and a couple of Rockmount guys.

Saw him again this morning walking around town with i think one of his daughters. Saw him just after lunch there again exiting or entering wagamamas. Seemed in good spirits all 3 times without giving too much away. People don’t seem to annoy him like they used to, and he seems very content with that situation.

less of the psychoanalysis please- there is a strict template for posting spots- ask mac for the guidelines if you cant follow them

Nah, he’ll get rejected on some basis, so i’m not bothered. Wasn’t even going to put him up as he’s beyond celebrity to Cork people, but thought a few others may be interested.

It feels more like hes yer good buddy or yer cousin,that kind of thing is it Kev???

No no, nothing like that. No, just celebrity is such a dirty word now we wouldn’t use it for him. He’s just Roy, unless you’ve a close mate who shares the name, if you said to a mate i saw Roy down at Wagamamas at lunch time you probably wouldn’t have to explain any further, or you might get a “Keano like?” back, but that would be it.

Its hard to explain Link. What i forgot to mention though was he’s still very very skinny, probably needs to spend some more time inside wagamammas. He’d still piss all over League of Ireland i’d say.

It’s a cork thing-you wouldn’t get it.