Celeb Spotting šŸ

WHO: Mario Rosenstock
WHERE: Lower Stephen Street, Dublin
WHEN: Circa 7-57AM Today
FAMOUS FOR: Voice imitations on the Ian Dempsey Breakfast show, corporate junkets, tolerating the sports reporter on said show, generally being a bit of a prick
NOTES: Mario was on his own and moving quickly. I had initally looked like missing out on this spot until his presence was pointed out by my co-walker. It was then that I glimpsed the less famous face behind the array of voices as he passed me by outside The Hairy Lemon heading towards the jct of Sth Georges St and Aungier St.

He was on his way to work - not a spot.

He was cutting it very tight if he was.

Today FM is only around the corner from there and heā€™d never be on the radio till 8.10 or afterwards. They had a Radio Roy piece on this morning which was probably recorded yesterday so he probably wasnā€™t even on air until 8.20.

Who: Dermot Ahern, Minister for Justice and Law Reform.
Where: Prawn Sandwich Section, Dublin Arena.
When: Yesterday, 6.50pm.
Wearing: Black suit, black shoes.
Notes: We were watching the end of Home and Away and drinking pints in the Premium section when the minister strode by and was escorted into the lift, presumably up to the Corporate section.

Who: Kenneth Egan, Olympic silver medal winning boxer.
Where: Prawn Sandwich Section, Dublin Arena.
When: Yesterday, 7.20pm.
Wearing: Blue jeans, black jumper.
Notes: We were drinking pints in the Premium section when the Olympian strode by and made his own way into the lift, presumably up to the Corporate section.

Who: Marty Whelan, RTE TV and radio personality - Eurovision commentator, game show host.
Where: Prawn Sandwich Section, Dublin Arena.
When: Yesterday, 8.35pm & 9.40pm.
Wearing: Cream slacks, cheap looking navy rain jacket.
Notes: We were drinking pints in the Premium section at half time when the RTE veteran strode by and made his way to the food queue. I subsequently spotted him leaving the stadium after the game. He has shed a lot more hair since the last time I saw him on screen and was sporting a very noticeable bald patch.

Who: Enda Kenna, Leader of Fine Gael.
Where: Dublin Arena, outside concourse and steps.
When: Yesterday, 9.45pm.
Wearing: Black suit, black shoes.
Notes: We were leaving the stadium when I spotted the leader of the opposition strolling out in front of us in the company of a grey haired gentleman. Mr Kenny was carrying a black golf style umbrella and was twirling it in his hands as he walked.

I also spotted developer, media personality and football guru and manager Mick Wallace making his way up to the Corporate section before the game. This disappointed me somewhat.

DJs bird not a spot,you didnt post it correctly Locke.

Mulcahy and Davy Russell are good spots.

Ryle Bugent is also a spot.

Hutch is a spot aswell,scumbags can be spots too depending on who they are.

That Colm and Jim Jim cunt is not a spot.

Ivan Yates is a good spot,sounds like the Wife is a staunch left footer.

The great Pat Fox is a superb spot.


Mario Rosenstock is not a spot,its been firmly established by other contributers that he was on his way to work and was actually late for work which meant he was technically working when you spotted him.

GOod spotting at the Dublin arena by Bandage,all bar this Enda Kenna fella are spots,nobodys ever heard of him whoever he is.

Iā€™ve been a fan of the Link Walsh and his adjudicating skills but i think he is drunk on power now at this stage and has lost the plot.

Here arsehole,let me fill you in on the order of things here on celebspotting@tfk.com,THE LINK WALSH has been elected TWICE by the users of this forum to act as sole celeb spot adjudicator here on tfk.com.
For that to change somebody must be nominated to succeed me at which time a public poll will be set up resulting in the winner of said poll recieving mandate to adjudicate on all matters celebrity,at the moment im that soldier.

Feel free to seek a nomination from some quarter but know this,bigger e-men than yourself have fell to the Links sword here in the past,some never recovered from it,ask Mac about it there.In short,it might be best to tip on there like a good lad.

Runt is a pale shadow of his former self lately, id hazard a guess tho and say it wasnt a typo on his behalf,
a few fellas have taken the whole getting sued from internet postings thing very seriosuly over the last few months and maybe Runt had a suspision that pat fox actually reads this forum and as was the case a few years ago where a ā€œsomeone elseā€ was spotted in an eating establishment may actually track the Runt down for publishing his gastranomic activities on the wwwā€¦
a sad day for Runt and this most noble of threads.

Who:Jim Bolger
Famous For:Top class Race horse trainer
Where:Section 531,Hogan Stand,Croke Park
When:Every minute or so between 1.15pm and 5pm on Sunday
Attire:A dark suit,white shirt,purple tie with matching handkerchief in SUit pocket
Demeaner:He looked a bit drained and tired.

Who:Colm O Rourke
Famous For:Sunday Game analyst,Former Meath All Ireland medal winner
Where:Section 531,Hogan Stand,Croke Park
When:Every minute or so between 1.15pm and 5pm on Sunday
Attire:Cream summer type blazer,cream shiert,darker slacks,black shoes.
Demeaner:Cuntish,didnt come across as an alright sort,he wasnt impressed by my antics during the game.

Other notes:The two lads are obviously buddies as they arrived together and sat beside each other directly alongside me,they conversed occasionally about the minor game and then the Senior game,i lost the plot during the Senior,Bolger smiled in a calm down for fuck sake sort of way but O ROurke carried the expression of a lad who was thinking who let this hillbilly into the posh section for fuck sake,we all had great seats to be fair.

Who:Dara O Briain
Famous For:Hes a comedian
Where:Section 531,Hogan Stand,Croke Park,Dublin
When:A few times between 1.15pm and 5pm on Sunday
Attire:A black duffle type double breasted jacket,grey woolyish zip up top,blue jeans,black shoes.
Demeaner:He was in great form and seemed to be enjoying the fare on offer.

Other notes:He was sitting a few rows behind me,i met him at the bar at half time where he ordered a pint for himself and a white wine for the farily ordinary looking bird in his company,he remarked to me that we were lucky to be still in this,i was seething at the time and just said damn right or something before turning to Liam Fennelly at my other side and telling him that theres no fucking way that Eddie Brennan should be coming out for the 2nd half.

link, both of these are not spots at all at all, however i will confirm the fact that they are buddies.
last year at leopardstwn on irish champion stakes day when sea the stars won i was in the parade ring a couple of races after where a 2YO g3 sprint was about to take place, Bolger had a horse that was owened by lady o reilly called Chabal that was meant to go onto great things before they sold him to Godolphin racing against a Coolmoreā€™s Dynasty.
Anyway before the race, O 'rourke was in the parade ring with Bolger and afterwards the left together to the ownerā€™s and trainers area to view the race which Chabal won impressively.
Now just because we have spotted these 2 men together on 2 seperate occasions does not in anyway suggest anything untoward is happening before any other forum members suggest that, but i would understand that yes they are good mates.
bolger id say is an allright sort, always struck me as a very reserved type of character, O rourke is an aul bollux tho id say, no crack in him at all

they are definitly not spots thoā€¦
disgraceful out of you link, posting up ppl that you saw at a gga fundraising rally and saying they are spotsā€¦

Spot on Dunph. A Sunday Game pundit at Croke Park isnt a spot. :rolleyes:

who or what is that?

Good to have you back Link. This thread had gone to pot over the last few days.

Neither of em were wearing scarves so i cant see a problem here,in fact there isnt one,theyre both spots.

Hasnā€™t Jim Bolger been mentioned on here before as a cunt? Stands to reason that heā€™d be friends with Colm Oā€™Rourke in that case.