Celeb Spotting 🐐

[quote=“thedancingbaby”]Venue - St Anne’s Church, Portmarnock
Date - Sunday 25th May 20008
Time - 09.00 - 09.40
Celebs - Giovanni Trappattoni, Paul McShane, Damien Delaney

Delaney and McShane wore matching outfits, them being FAI tracksuit tops and shorts. Delaney wore white trainers whereas McShane chose to throw on a pair of sandals.

Trap wore a brown suit but I could not get a chance to have a look at his footwear. McShane and Delaney chose to sit at the back of the church, but the Trap sat alone nearer the altar.

The celebrant was Fr Mattie O’Farrell.[/quote]

Super spot.

Possibly our first in a religious setting.

[quote=“SHANNONSIDER**”]Gary O’Brien, AtTheRaces’ silky smooth Irish outside broadcaster, 3am this morning in the Viperroom. Out celebrating the Bhoy’s three-in-a-row no doubt.


Spotted that myself. He was in McGowan’s of Phibsboro earlier and seemed to be quite disgusted that a heavy set fella with him was getting all the female attention

Pretty sure it was Goal’s John O’Shea strolling along South Anne Street yesterday evening at about 5.30pm. He badly needs a haircut as he was a sporting big, wavy grey-coloured hairstyle.

was he distancing himself from the heavy fellow over the heavy fellows WGS comments

Formula 1 guru Peter Collins with Collins junior watching the Munster match on the big screen in the Premium Level Bar in the Hogan Stand.

It’s been a quiet few weeks…

Celeb: Matt Cooper
Date: 21 May 2008
Time: 7.15pm
Venue: St. Stephen’s Green LUAS stop and beyond.

Todayfm presenter Matt Cooper sat opposite me in a seat of four on the LUAS on the same night as the European Cup final. Matt was dressed in what I would term business casual, trousers shirt and coat. He spent most of the journey playing with his iPhone (which I have heard him discuss on his radio show). Todayfm’s new studios are just around the corner from the green and my guess is that Matt legged it from there to the LUAS in a bid to get home for the match. Matt got off at Cowper while I continued on my journey southwards basking in the glory that was my longest ever celeb spot.

Two posts in a row, my best run ever.

Celeb: Sunday World crime journalist Paul Williams
Date: 29 May 2008
Time: 7pm
Venue: Cocoon, Duke Lane (don’t ask)

Spotted the investigative journalist at the Miss Sunday World final in Cocoon last night. Paul was wearing dark coloured jeans and an open neck shirt, pretty much standard casual wear for a man of his age. He was flanked by three very tall and broad guys who looked like country hicks, I assumed at the time they were special branch and this was later confirmed confirmed to be 66% true as one of the guys was a contestant’s father.

Also in attendance was Amanda Brunker (annoying cow) who was hosting the event. However, under the strict celeb spotting rules this doesn’t count and is being disclosed for informational purposes.

I left the event shortly after the swimsuit section and headed home to catch the last 60mins of the crucial Ireland-Colombia match, however, my ladyfriend proceeded on to Blackrock for some more drinks where she spotted former Miss World Rosanna Davison enjoynig drinks with friends.

As i am new to TFK, i will try an utilise a 7 day rule…

Spotted last weekend in Cardiff, none in there professional capacity, but all in drinking emporiums.

Matt Cooper
Trevor Brennan

Spotted in Westgrove hotel, Clane, co. Kildare. Ron Wood of the stones, dresed in cowboy boots, skinny jeans and looking like the definition of rock and roll. His daughter was in tow, she is a model, but wont be counting her as I don’t know her name.

Spotted celebrity pop mogul Louis Walsh outside the Iona Building in Ballsbridge on Fri at 4.25pm, driving an English registered Masserati.

Have no idea what he was wearing but the car was parked illegally when I was driving along the road at 4.35pm.

Also spotted DJ Dave Fanning in Ballsbridge on Wednesday at lunch time.

Fanning was wearing a dark jacket with blue jeans. I think his hair may have been dyed.

spotted the lanky israeli fella baz I think from how low can I go today walking along the milltown rd, he may or may not have been doing the walk of shame as he was wearing clothes unsuited to the scorching heat and was walking and trying to flag a cab and when cab picked him up they headed back the opposite direction.

My first celeb spot on TFK and Im sure you will agree it was a peach

Met Will Greenwood at the Heino final, I hope he was drunk because if not he probably hates me.

Surprise lunchtime spot of former World Snooker Champion Ken Doherty in the local deli, buying what looked like a tub of olives and some other lunchables.

Sporting a pair of jeans, runners and a t-shirt. What struck me most was the pair of sunglasses hanging from the buttons of his polo t-shirt. I’m not sure whether this one can be added to the What’s Wrong thread or not. It’s definately wrong on some level but not near as wrong as putting them on the top of your head.


where would you put them so Fran, if not ono top of head or hanging off shirt, its bad manners to leave them on in a shop and you cant put them in your pocket…this is a serious conundrum

Don’t bring them with you is the handiest. Even easier is not to buy a pair in the first place.

I’m generally not a sunglasses wearer except on holidays and while driving. On top of the head is totally out of the question. I wouldn’t be adverse to hanging them of the shirt but my preferred location would be hanging them from the trousers pocket but this greatly increases the chances of damage. At a cost of only 1000 Tanzanian shillings this wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world but I’d prefer to not have the hassle of trying to find another pair of cheap sunglasses

Munster Rugby’s sub hooker Frankie Sheehan in a pub in Douglas, Cork at lunchtime. Was finishing up after the scran when I noted a bloke with his circa 18 month old son. Since we were leaving I offered our prime location seats to him, father to father so to speak. Man takes off cap and it’s Frankie. Shook his hand and said well done on the whole Munster thing. He was wearing casual millitary style teeshirt and shorts below the knee. Footwear cannot be confirmed though probably sandles. Asked him why he wasn’t in NZ, he told me to fook off. He has soft hands

Sunglasses should only be worn while driving so as soon as I am finished driving I chuck them in the glove compartment…

Problem solved…

London Irish and Irish International lock Bob Casey walking through a car park in Maynooth this afternoon with his mother. Sporting a pair of dark jeans with a white polo tee-shirt with the collar firmly down. Bob was presumably spending some time at home with his family in Maynooth ahead of the Churchill Cup. He is one tall well built motha fuka.

Johnny Vegas stuck in traffic in Rathgar last Friday afternoon. Driving a VW Golf

Brendan O’Connor at the Radiohead concert on Friday night. Mrs. Locke told me he said it was shite on Miriam O’Callahan’s show Saturday night. Whatever Brendan!! He was with that other muppet that writes for the Sindo, the rock guy, long red hair, fookin eijit, can’t think of his name. Someone help me out here…

Barry Egan. Christ I’d have thrown digs if I’d seen those two wankers together.