Celeb Spotting 🐐

Sorry Dunph mate, but you’re finished here. You’re failure to approve Laura Whitmore lost my backing.

Quit playing silly buggers. This matter is too important.

I can be challenged by public poll on or after 1 December 2011.

I’ll second you Dunph. Is there a form I need to sign?

Then it’s done. I’m back steering the wheel (i was never moved off the wheel anyway).

Submit spots away lads but be warned, things are going to get tighter around here. No scarves, no gays, no people from Tipp, Rugby personalities are discouraged too. Most else goes once they’re well known enough.

Dunph will be dealt with swiftly and without mercy. This outrageous public show of indiscipline is a thundering disgrace and I won’t stand for it. A number of options are available to me and I’ll be liaising closely with Rocko.

In the meantime, please continue to post spots here and, as the democratically elected Adjudicator of the Celebrity Spotting thread, I will continue to adjudicate where necessary in line with the wishes of the majority of TFK members.

I left you a message in the TFK Staff forum pal…

Enjoy your staff privileges while they last buddy.


WHO: John Bruton, Taoiseach of Ireland from 1994 to 1997, served as the Ambassador of the European Union to the United States from 2004–2009, and a former Vice-President of the European People’s Party.
WHERE: Croke Park, Dublin, Elevator on way to Hogan Stand Premium Seating.
WHEN: 05/06/2011, sometime around 1:30PM.

I had taken a wrong turn following some bad advice while trying to find the smoking area in the Hogan Premium Area and had made my way back down to the ground floor where I was instructed to hop into a medical elevator for convenience by a kindly Ulster accented steward. Just as the door was closing Mr Bruton bounded into the elevator with an elderly ccquaintance. He was kitted out in a well fitting suit, but had added his own touch to the suit by discarding the tie no doubt accompanying it originally, for one of a bright green and gold hue. I engaged in some banter with Mr Bruton who wasn’t very confident in seeing a win, but was sure that Graham Geraghty would have an influence on the game in some shape or form. At which point we both alighted the elevator and went our separate ways, unaware that imminent defeat was lying in wait for both of us.

Whom: Packy McGarty.
Famous for: Being the greatest living Leitrim man, apart from his legendary prowess as one of Ireland’s greatest ever footballers.
Where: At the intersection between the Financial and Agricultural districts of Mohill town (ie.Carroll’s corner)
When: Today at dinnertime (Around 1 pm.) Real Irish Time.
Wearing: Brown sports coat, white shirt, tan slacks and sort of matching brogues.
Demeanour: Jovial, gregarious and by times studious.
Additional notes: Packy was in town to savour the atmosphere in the build-up to Sunday’s match along with attending a months mind. Such is his esteem, many rustics risked their lives, dashing between endless traffic, roaming bullocks and purveyors of new potatoes to touch the hem of his garment. For a man in his 80’s he sticks the times quare well, he’d pass for 70.
He concurs with Boxty’s opinion that the likes of Sean Purcell will never be seen again.

I don’t usually comment on individual spots but that’s one hell of a spot Boxty.

Packy McGarty - what a spot indeed.

:clap: :clap: :clap:


Boxty, you are a bard Sir.

Not take him into Jim’s for a few?

toothless drunken & dribbling old retards that have done nothing with their lives shouldnt be on this thread- anyway enough about boxty…

who is this packy macgarty cuntard anyway- not a spot-

Who: John & Edward Grimes
Where: Seats 1B & 1C - Aerlingus flight to Dusseldorf
When: 1st June approx 6.45am
Those stupid flat, peaked rapper style caps and some other rapping style clobber
Demeanour: Somewhat subdued in comparison to their media personas[b]

Who:[/b] Legendary Kerry footballer Mick O’ Connell
Where: O’Neills - The Point Bar, Renard, Cahirciveen
When: 4th June between the hours of 7 & 8pm
Wearing: Elderly man attire
Demeanour: Content

ill give you the grimes lad- not the boghockey stick hurley player

Nevermind this place once being a “Who’s who” list now it’s just a “Who?” list.

Who : Irish goalkeeping legend and hero of Genoa, Packie Bonner
Where : Dublin Airport
When : Sunday 12th of June circa 12.30 pm
Wearing : Shoes, pants, shirt, casual jacket. All dark
Demeanour : The big man strolled unhurriedly into the departures area of the airport with a wee carry on suitcase. He looked very relaxed and didn’t seem put off by the inclement weather conditions.

Bandage, can I get an adjudication on this?

Who Peter Fitzpatrick TD and the Louth Senior Football Team
Where The Poitin Stil
When Sunday circa 1PM
Famous for Being rode roughshod in last years Leinster Football Final by Meath and the GAA
Details Peter and his squad emerged from the back room at the Poitin as I was selecting my carvery lunch on Sunday (I had the Southern Fried Chicken doused in gravy with carrots, cabbage, mash and roasties). They were atired in official Louth GAA gear supplied by O Neills and looked very relaxed. I was surprised to see them leaving it so late to make their way to O Moore Park Portlaoise, but presumed they knew what they were at. I paid for my food and sat at the bar as the Stil was quite crowded at that time, whereby two county board officials sat up beside me and had a pint of Carlsberg apiece and discussed the performance of Wexford in the game the previous night. I took from the conversation that one of them was in attendance at said game, a fact which was backed up by Bandage’s observance of Mr Fitzpatrick in Wexford on Saturday.

Clem Smith and Mark Foley, yesterday. Mark’s after getting awful tubby.
Both alright sorts.

Peter Fitzpatrick is a spot by virtue of his TD status.

The ex Limerick hurlers are not spots. Thrawneen should cop the fuck on with that shit.