Celeb Spotting 🐐

[quote=“Juhniallio”]Expecting a lot here in the next few weeks with the IOC in town. I’ve been laid low with work and a bit of a firearse problem of late, so here’s a reported one, by two of the lads I should have been drinking with on Sunday.

Where: Paddy O’ Shea’s Irish Bar, Beijing
Who : Des Cahill and Jimmy Magee
Can’t report much else except to say that they were in to watch the GAA. One of the lads didn’t recognise Magee -‘he just looked like an old man’, and had this to say for Cahill, ‘He’s really let himself go, he’s a fat cunt now, I mean a seriously fat cunt’.[/quote]

Juhniallio - how long have you been on here now?


Thursday 31st July 2008.
Location: Galway racecourse

Daithi S. Spotted TG4 weatherman Daithi S in the bookies ring before one of the earlier races. Daithi seemed in good form and looked like he had a few few pints consumed.

John McIntyre, Saw ex Offaly manager John McIntyre after the fifth race. John was smoking a cigarette and not looking happy at all possibly due to lost money with the turf accountants.

Marty Morrisey. Marty stood in front of me in the stand for the 6th race. He was wearing a navy suit as far as I remember. I dont think he was wearing a tie. Marty seemed in good form and really is a tiny little shit.

Three, yes three, from last evening in Dublin.

Who: Joe O’Shea
Famous for: Being sacked from Seoige and O’Shea. Being an all round tosser.
Where: Boarded the 16 bus at Harolds Cross Bridge, sat upstairs and alighted at Whitefriar Street.
Wearing: Blazer, shirt, jeans and shoes
Company: None
Other information: Took a phonecall as he got off and arranged to meet someone in The Bailey at 10 o’clock after getting a bite to eat on Exchequer Street.

Who: Colm Meaney
Famous for: Being an Irish actor and starring in nearly every Irish film ever made
Where: Outside Kehoes on South Anne Street
Wearing: Blazer, shirt, jeans and shoes
Company: A female - looked like a daughter
Other information: Tripped on something as he made his way through the crowd and engaged in a bit of banter with the drinkers nearby before departing towards Dawson Street

Who: Tatiana Oulliankina (yes I googled that)
Famous for: Playing Lana in Fair City
Where: Outside Kehoes on South Anne Street again
Wearing: Top, trousers and I assume some sort of footwear
Company: None
Other information: She has no arse. According to Jugs ‘her legs are buried in her stomach’.

Who: Bertie Ahern
Famous for: Wearing that Canary Yellow ensemble during a ‘relaxed’ G8 summit…
Where: Galway Races
Wearing: Open neck shirt, jacket, safari pants.
Company: None
Other Info: Was striding manfully towards the betting ring, no doubt ready to win another 10k just like that big lump he won off them he told the tribunal about.

Who: John Joe Joyce(Irish Olympic Boxer and all round nice guy)
Where: Worker’s gymnasium, Beijing
Attire: Johnny was in trackies with a light polo shirt. His kit bag was strung casually over his shoulder as he chatted with fans/ posed for photos/ signed autographs. In great form after his earlier win(9-5 v some Hunga), Johnny was delighted to stroll out amongst the crowd. He has remarkably soft hands for a boxer.

Who: Sport’s Minister Martin Cullen
Where: Beijing Worker’s Gymnasium
With: His two sons and an Irish Olympic committee member.
Wearing: Sporting a red polo neck, thoroughly enjoying himself. Was out of his seat and cheering as he came to the very edge of the ViP section to salute the gallant JohnJoe

Who: Donncha O’Callaghan
Famous for: Irish Rugby International
Where: Sitting on a bollard on Stephens Green yesterday afternoon
Wearing: Blue t-shirt and jeans
Company: None
Other information: He’s a big feckin man

Sorry about the lazy way this post will be presented. Usually I wouldn’t be so lax but it’s fairly busy round here at present.
Paddy O’ Sheas is a magnet for the Irish celebs in Beijing at present, especially when the Gaa is on. So, Des Cahill, Marty Morrissey, Stephen Alkin, Colm Murray, that fella Kevin who used to be on the den, ex GAA chief Sean Kelly have all graced it of late.
The Irish rowers were on the piss the other night. Cormac Folen was challenging all comers to a drinking contest and inviting people to check out his biceps. Sean Casey is as sound as they come and Sean O’Neill was last spotted getting sick in the Jacks with his best mate standing over him, ringing Ireland proclaiming ‘he’s fucked’, gleefully. Ah the Olympic spirits. Can’t beat them.

Also, the rowers have a disturbing habit of picking up one of their no every now and then and spanking him on the ass for a while…

Indeed Michael Lyster gave a shout-out to his colleagues who’d be watching the game in Paddy O’Shea’s in Beijing during the coverage yesterday.

[quote=“Juhniallio”]Sorry about the lazy way this post will be presented. Usually I wouldn’t be so lax but it’s fairly busy round here at present.
Paddy O’ Sheas is a magnet for the Irish celebs in Beijing at present, especially when the Gaa is on. So, Des Cahill, Marty Morrissey, Stephen Alkin, Colm Murray, that fella Kevin who used to be on the den, ex GAA chief Sean Kelly have all graced it of late.
The Irish rowers were on the piss the other night. Cormac Folen was challenging all comers to a drinking contest and inviting people to check out his biceps. Sean Casey is as sound as they come and Sean O’Neill was last spotted getting sick in the Jacks with his best mate standing over him, ringing Ireland proclaiming ‘he’s fucked’, gleefully. Ah the Olympic spirits. Can’t beat them.

Also, the rowers have a disturbing habit of picking up one of their no every now and then and spanking him on the ass for a while…[/quote]

Rowers sound like they’re good lads to be on the piss with!

Is that Kevin fella from the Den the lil Dublin lad that used to be on it years ago? What the fuck is he up to now?

Who: Claudia Carroll
Famous for: Playing Nicola in Fair City
Where: Walking along Wicklow Street in the rain.
Wearing: A smart looking lady’s raincoat
Company: Alone (she’s single)
Other information: Looked quite petite and better than the nattering auld bitch I remember from the character she plays on TV

Celeb(s): Wesley Quirke and Rosanna Davison
Date: 31 July 2008
Venue: Johnnie Fox’s pub, Glencullen

Bit of a delay in posting this one as I’ve been on vacation. The couple were enjoying dinner and later on drinks with a group of similarly goodlooking friends in the famous Dublin pub. Rosanna was wearing a dress, can’t remember what colour. Wes was wearing a brown leather jacket (plain t-shirt underneath) and jeans, he had his wrist in a black cast. Both had fantastic tans. Wes had a vegetable lasagne for the mains, think Rosanna had the same. The group retired to the bar for drinks after the meal where Rosanna kindly posed for photos with a number of groups, she also declined one marriage proposal.

2 from Dublin Airport this morning

Who: Mick Galwey - Gaillimh
Famous for: Being an Ireland and Munster Rugby legend.
Where: The queue for security check at Dublin airport at approx 6am this morning.
Wearing: Manky Grey top, dirty grey trousers, ould pair of runners
Company: None
Other information: Looked as hungover as fuck. Am sure he wasn’t hungover and just shook by the early start.

Who: Paddy Power (or at least the fella that appears on the races saying he is Paddy Power - might be Stewart Kenny? Shan of Flano or SS** might confirm)
Famous for: The face of Irelands leading Bookies
Where: At the bagel bar in Dublin Airport approx 6.10am and then again at the security check in Heathrow approx 5.30pm
Wearing: Blazer, shirt, jeans and shoes
Company: None
Other information: Carrying a Racing Post, Bought a Kiwi Punch smoothie at the smoothie bar in the Bagel Bar (I know this cos I asked him). He also set off the security beeper thing in Heathrow 4 times due to carrying a set of keys in his pocket.

Saw Mick Galwey as well last Sunday as I left Croker after the matches.

Paddy Power was on Sky Sports News this afternoon so that must have been where he was heading…

Paddy Power was on Sky Sports News this afternoon so that must have been where he was heading…[/quote]

What was he doing on SSN farmer?

Discussing odds for the sports events over the weekend.

Never shut up about how good of a chance Andy Murray has. Trying to lick up to the lovely Georgie no doubt…

claire tully…undisclosed location

meaning you don’t know where you were?

Around Croke park yesterday: George Hook, Seamus Boylan.

Sean Boylan?

No, Seamus, his brother…