Celeb Spotting 🐐


I would have thought he is one of the more famous people in the State but I am happy to abide by your adjudication farmer. I saw Michael Winner in Stansted today. Would he be a spot?

Draw in your breath there lad, I’d called it a spot in you absence. In fact, top spotting by O’Dowd…

All the buzz a few months ago while you were “finding yourself”…

A Spot O’Dowd… :clap:

[quote=“farmerinthecity, post: 11053”]

Not a spot.[/quote]


Your spot of Dunner and Gayle…Harsh call in the extreme…Good spot where the pair of cunts we’re largeing it…

Wakey Wakey…

[quote=“Boxtyeater, post: 11064”]

Your spot of Dunner and Gayle…Harsh call in the extreme…Good spot where the pair of cunts we’re largeing it…

Wakey Wakey…[/quote]

Did you give the home help the night off last night Boxty?

Well done Boxty. At least someone has the nerve to try and re-ignite this thread.

Following an approach made to my representatives by concerned users of thefreekick.com ive decided,in consultation with the recently reassembled Link Adjudication Team to return to this website with a view to restoring order to all matter celeb spotting here on tfk.com,from this moment forward Link Rules are being reinstated as the only machinery used in the adjudication of the validity of all celeb spots submitted by the users of this site.

The chaotic and rudderless state this once iconic thread is currently in saddens me,I shall endevour in conjunction with my backroom team to restore order to this place as quickly as possible,its certain to be a rigourous task but one that the Link adjudication team are more than capable of surmounting.See the attached Link rules which are being reinforced with immediate effect.

The Link Walsh
Sole Celeb spots Adjudicator

Get fucked The Link Walshe. I am the democratically elected adjudicator of the celeb spotting thread on thefreekick.com.

Here Farmer fall in or move on, you don’t want to fight this fight, believe me.

Link Walshe’s intervention has really put the cat amongst the pigeons here. It’s like Kevin Heffernan just casually turning up to Dublin training after a year and a half away and taking charge again.

FOAD walshe you child abusing fuck

Taking Tommyguns advice would be your best course of action at this juncture Farmer,your about to be laughed out the door.

Find yourself a new website(kilkennycats.com would suit you,right shower of gobshites over there) or fall in :guns:

its up to yersef…

As I said - get fucked.

farmer has been faultless on this thread

fall in LinkE

The triumphant return of The Link Walsh could see this forum return to its former glory. I’m looking forward to scarf wearing soccer ball supporters scattering from this place with tails between their legs.

Return of the Jedi I meank Link!

I won’t fault Farmer who has kept a steady eye over proceedings but circumstances are now beginning to overtake him.

Link’s sudden return here is reminiscent of the Ultimate Warrior’s sensational, out of the blue return at Wrestlemania VIII.

Welcome back link, I like your style

Welcome back Link. Nice to see one of the boards heavy hitters back to restore order.