Celeb Spotting 🐐


When is The Runt’s 6 months up? What a fucking farcical turn of events overseen by this utter incompetent.

Fair enough-delighted to see your firm stance on Gallagher mate. This thread will descend into farce if we start awarding spots willy nilly. Bandage should know better at this stage.

The runt got the gig at the end of July. Two more months. I think we need a fresh voice as well.

thedancingbaby was born to adjudicate this thread IMHO

Okay, I’ve managed to regain control of my emotions but I’m not happy at all.

wtf is up your ass these days

ever since I refused your pat fitz spot you have had a grudge against me and have been fighting my authority on this thread

You’re a fucking nobody.

Hey take it easy! :lol:

Terrible to see you treating a respected elder of these parts like TASE in this way.

I never post here anymore because ive got a real life to be looking after but this one couldnt go undocumented…

Who: Diego Maradona
Where:Outside a Shopping Centre in Dubai
When:6.30pm(thats 2.30pm round these parts) last Friday evening
Attire:A mid blue soccer looking polo shirt,black shorts,black runners,a black baseball cap.
Demeaner:He was in jovial form albeit a little scruffy looking.
Other notes: I was walking out of the shopping centre when i noticed the fella walking beside me being asked for a photograph,im not a big soccer man but i clocked straight away that it was one of the all times that was standing right beside me.Whilst two security people jostled the photo guys out of the way Diego stopped and stood on the pavement to wait for them to return,i gestured to shake his hand,he shook hands and said “how are you”,i said “im the finest its a lovely evening isnt it” ,he nodded and said “yes yes”,a couple of seconds later a dusty looking black Audi A6 pulled up,he hopped into the back of it,let down the window and waved at a few people while it drove away.He came across as an alright sort.

P.ye have a fuck made of this thread in my absense,theres not an adjudicator amongst ye.

Allow me cuz.

THAT’S A SPOT :clap: :clap: :clap:

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

You can be fuckin sure of it its a spot Piles,I wouldnt have put it up otherwise.

The set up here saddens me deeply,see this example above…Thrawneens spot of Michael Conlon should never have been deemed a valid spot,the diminutive boxer is in receipt of an annual government grant which allows him to train full time,when he was spotted by Thrawneen the man was at work,he was in uniform to underline the fact.The Runt then comes in with a" good spot(2.5/5)",and nobody bats an eyelid :wink: :wink: …what a shower of goms is all I can say.

EPIC :clap:

would you buy a smartphone or something Link?

will you come back to us?

This thread is but a husk of a creature without the Link to take care of it.

Fuck off. He was out having a jog. May have been “working”, but very easily may not have been. Also, I engaged with the spotee and he engaged back. A spot according to the Runt. You can go fuck yourself and go back to whatever this fantasy more important thing than posting on TFK that you do.

This is a 6/5
Should close the thread now as this spot will never be topped.
Bandage must feel like a right tool posting about seeing some no mark referee, after reading this spot.

I take back everything I eer said about you Link. Fucking epic spot to end all fucking epic celeb spots. That is tremendous altogether
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Runt naturally will do the honorable thing and resign from the position forthwith.

LINK we all have real lives to be living but your have a duty to come back and sort this shit out.

Man up to fuck.

I should resign from my elected position because Link made a good celeb spot?

not a spot

too much jibberish for my liking

one of the all times??


also the conversation was rubbish

talking about it being a fine day in dubai ffs