Celebrity Deaths 2022

Iā€™ve never been to Albania but I heard from someone that was there that the timetable in the main train station is written in chalk,


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Wasnā€™t a holiday, twas a work thing. 2018 . They were dismantling the big screens at the time.


Thereā€™s parts of the country where thereā€™s no roads only dirt tracks. Youā€™d be on the mini bus between two cities and youā€™d hit a spot where the road would turn to a dirt track for a few miles. Or thereā€™d be a random piece of Road tarmacced in the middle of nowhere.

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In the old days I used to pick up Radio Tirana on the short wave radio occasionally in Waterford. It was incredibly dull. Crop forecasts and the like and hagiographies of Enver Hoxha.


Going to Faroe Islands later this year.

Willing to bet no TFK member has set foot on them.

Liechtenstein? Unles the boys in green plaued there and someone went for a trip

Alright lads, letā€™s get back on track here. Weā€™ll leave the globe trotting to the thread Iā€™m about to set up.

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Moroccan hash knocked me for 6.

I actually passed through Charleville today. I had to travel from Cork to Limerick. Hadnā€™t been on that stretch of road for years. Itā€™s hard to credit thatā€™s the main road between the 2nd and 3rd cities. Itā€™s like something youā€™d expect in somewhere like Albania.


Charleville is a grand town really, thereā€™s hundreds worse, Iā€™d say itā€™s thriving, thereā€™s barely a unit on the very long main street thatā€™s unoccupied

Awful road alright,

I have been a few times with work. Fantastic country. Would love to get more free time there.

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Buttevant is even worse sure

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Yeah, I didnā€™t stop but I thought Charleville looked like a fine town, just passing through. As you said, seems to be doing better than most in avoiding the ravages of provincial town economic depression.

One word. Expensive!

You even had to pay an airport tax to leave the place when I was there.

Ok, second words. Very safe.

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Best place youā€™ll go. Tokyo is an attack on the senses in a great way


Japan is on my bucket list. Iā€™d also like to go to Buenos Aires.

I was in China and have no wish to ever return there.

I was in a few places in China. Most are places Iā€™d never wish to see again. Shanghai though is unreal. So modern and clean. Really like a longer spell there.

I did a few holidays to Hong Kong. Fantastic place to live if you have money Iā€™d imagine. 2 streets back from the skyline is a real eye opener though.


I thought a few streets back in Shanghai was bleak enough. Place stank and open sewers. Like Limerick.

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With regards to Shanghai, I didnā€™t find that at all tbh. I did have guide with me so maybe they went out of there way to keep me away from those areas. Iā€™d a bit of free time and with a Chinese speaker I got around on the tube handy enough and got to see a few of the sights too.

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Red wine and steak in Buenos Aires after taking in Boca Juniors :ok_hand: