Celebrity Deaths 2022


Great Band

Be My Baby.



Baby I love you…

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"Her heritage spanning African American, Native American, and Irish American. “

A proper American then. RIP.

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RIP an American icon and a wonderful voice. Mother was half Cherokee @Thomas_Brady

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Anyone have Meat Loaf?

Meaaaaaat :frowning_face:

Auld Maaaaate Loaf gone to the great gig in the sky or down below.
Did he play in Croom back in the 80s when things were bad for him? Status Quo played there too I think. I wonder who the booker was who was able to get them to Croom!



That tour didn’t go so well

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Vaguely remember him touring around small venues in Ireland with Bonnie Tyler, think it was called the Heaven and Hell tour and they had a compilation album out of the same name.

I used to have a Meatloaf Bat out of Hell Sweatshirt

I recall my sister heading to a Meat Loaf gig in Cavan way back when I was about six or seven. As I got older and became accustomed as to his actual fame I thought I must have dreamt that but obviously my recollection was correct.

I wonder if the last thing he saw was his heart, still beating, breaking out of his body and flying away.

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Bat Out of Hell track listing. Classic.


Moate in the 80s :joy:

I’m fuck­ing leav­ing here man,” Meat­ Loaf roared, to Marty by the side of the stage.

“No way! You can’t,” Marty told Meat­. “They’ll fuck­ing kill you.”

A white run­ner boot, its path to the stage illu­mi­nated by the arc of a spot­light, then hit the star turn.

“Fuck you!” Meat­ Loaf roared back, and he promptly stormed off stage, micro­phone drop­ping to the floor in a screech of feed­back. The band – a bunch of hired hands most likely on wages as poor as the food through­out the tour – were not yet fully com­pe­tent in read­ing Meat Loaf’s sig­nals, and they played on. Was this a cos­tume change? “I dunno, I’m only the drummer.”

Back­stage in the nar­row hall­way which tre­bled as dress­ing room, load-in point and back­stage area, Meat­ Loaf was fum­ing. Like the band, the crowd hadn’t yet realised he’d stormed off stage so not only did his grand exit not achieve the desired effect, but most peo­ple there thought it was part of the show.

Supremely pissed off, he reluc­tantly went back on to about a thou­sand roars for Bat Out Of Hell.

Marty recalls: “The lights caught some­thing shiny and a sec­ond or two later I saw it. I thought ‘oh no… this is it… show’s over’…”

Fly­ing through the air was… a wheelchair.


Meatloaf was if I recall correctly hit on the head with a shot putt in an athletics accident when he was young. I think that was the cause of the dramatic weight gain.

RIP you legend,


A lot of relationships began and ended during that song in an 80s slow set.

You’d need to be leaning the head for the kiss by the second chorus

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