Celebrity Deaths 2022

Given the time of the year The Poets chef probably gave him his 7 course dinner a bit earlier, so he had time to fire off his note.

One of the best sporting biographies I’ve ever read.


Is he the one that died in destitution?

Yeah. Chronic alcoholic in his later years and died destitute at 49,

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Lost his virginity to a goat


@ChairmanDan @Biff_Egan must get this book. Had read somewhere about the losing the virginity to a goat alright. Mental!

Garrincha who apparently had sexual intercourse with a goat in his youth.

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He was already a seasoned alcoholic by then too.

He was pissed going out to play the 1958 World Cup Final against Sweden. Delivered a man of the match performance, terrorising the Swedes. Was wandering around the dressing room afterwards asking who Brazil were playing in their next game.

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Only a kid



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Vivienne Westwood

Were you googling Pele or ‘sex with goats’ at the time?

Tough shit Viv. Pele just died. You can grumble to mother teresa when you get to heaven.

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The GOAT lost his virginity to a goat

Pele and Eamonn Dunphy. An iconic photo.

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A great man, ahead of his time. Jesus some life, the best life any young fella could have…before the real stupid money came in and stupified fellas. What a fuckin player. A legend who possibly somewhat lived in his community.

The real best ever apparently, club foot, riddled with rickets and completely one footed but most Brazilians of the time say the best. The peoples game.

Professional soccer is the clearest, cleanest meritocracy there has ever been.