Celebrity Deaths 2022

The Framboise of soccer football. RIP.

A part of football has died here.


Scottish, Irish or Welsh playing in England wouldnt really be the same as a Brazilian going to Europe. Puskas yes, but the fact he is higlighted shows it wasnt the norm. The vast majority of those Madrid teams had all Spanish players, Puskas and an Argentinian here or there were the only foreigners

A good chunk of the pre-eminent European club side of the era that you mentioned, Real Madrid were foreigners. DomĆ­nguez - Argentina, Puskas - Hungary, Di Stefano - Argentina, SantamarĆ­a - Uruguay, Kopa - France.

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For me heā€™ll always be the face of erectile dysfunction


ā€œIā€™m Peleā€
ā€œOK, Iā€™m Georgie Bestā€
The rest were nowhere. Simply the greatest ever.

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Pele was to erectile dysfunction what Shane Warne was to the follically challenged. Hard to believe theyā€™re both gone in the same year.

Charie Hurley

My sources in the Vatican tell me that Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI will not see out the weekend.

Another proper header like Pele.

God bless him. A great nan

Correct. I had a great drunken argument with a Brazilian one night and him not having a word of English and me not having a word of Portuguese - i was for Maradona he was for Garirnchaā€¦ He dismissed Pele.

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Fixed that for you.


@Fagan_ODowd he was the face of fascism in Brazil as well in the 70ā€™s, no?

Pele was football

I felt he was at his best in Escape to victory


More like michellin given how hard hes hotting the trough

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He was better in Hot Shot

Given that photo must be about 60 years old probably not that hard to believe.

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