Celebrity Deaths 2023

Actor Michael Gambon.

RIP Dumbledore.

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He was a nawful rogue.


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And the layer cake


One for the things I learned today, I had no idea Gambon was born in Ireland :man_shrugging:

I could never get into Harry Potter

The Cook, the thief, his wife and her lover…

Same myself, cant understand folks obsession with it, calling it a Christmas movie because it snows in it.

Its up there with star wars, friends and marvel films with why the fuck is this so fucking popular

Leave Nigella Lawson* out of this please.

*She was on some program last night looking ravishing. Must have been years old.

I fucking caught last 10 minutes, ah Jaysus…

The singing detective I remember him as. R.I.P.

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Very well written childrens books in fairness. Timeless. You might get into it next go around.


A film I could watch over and over.


A movie series based on children’s books,
Why would you think it would appeal to you in the first place? :man_shrugging:

Forget the films, the detail is in the books. My middle girl is gone down the same rabbit hole with Rowling as I did (to a lesser extent) with Tolkein. Its not for everyone but there is serious depth to the content for those who like to get lost in it.

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It wasn’t unknown for girls my age to get tattoos of the three whatever, wand, cloak and stone. Plenty of pharmacists, doctors, accountants walking around with them on their lower bellies/backs!

The movies were awful after the third one though, too grey and boring


The first Harry Potter book was released when I was 12 and I was an avid reader at that time, moreso than most other kids I’d say. It was something that never interested me or a bug that I caught. Hence, I wasn’t be too bothered with the movies when they came out either. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

Im not on about children. Of course they should enjoy it. Good books and good movies. Its adults who treat it that way

Again as i said to trackie id encourage children to get stuck in, any reading is great for them. Delighted shes reading rather than being glued to the phone. Youre doing something good there pal

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The deathly hallows, I’ve seen them in any number of positions on the body, very popular

They movies got better as they went on but even still, they are average enough. The books had their own appeal and having read them repeatedly with the kids and still reading them, having read them myself, I can understand why.

And anything that encourages kids to read, especially in this era of tech, has to be a good thing

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