Celebrity Deaths 2023

The adult were mostly kids when they came out

The great Franny Lee

He did the European Champions some service. His spell as Chairman was hilarious and thoroughly depressing, but that was the City we knew and loved back then.

RIP. I heard a couple of funny stories about him over the weekend from some actors. Apparently during an argument with Garry Hynes he told her she couldnā€™t direct his cock into a bowler hat.

Was that the repeat of Parkinson on Friday or Saturday night? She was on with Attenborough.

No, she was cooking and licking her fingers and the like.

Dick Butkus


Carrie is a brilliant film.

Some say itā€™s a pig of a film but I think itā€™s bloody good.

Gerry Ryan RIP

Not again :cry:

Ones company now suzanne somers has moved out

Ivor Robson. He was the guy who did the intros on the first tee of The Open.

Did the what?

He was the guy who did the intros on the first tee of The Open.


I think if you have to tell people who he was, he probably doesnā€™t count. I doubt a single person of note here knew who he was from his name.

Ineligible Iā€™m afraid.

Thereā€™s a select group of announcers whose names wouldnā€™t be generally known but whose voices mean something.

Yer man who does the announcements in Croke Park, Jerry Grogan (I do know his name but a lot of people wouldnā€™t) is one.

The guy used to do the announcements at Lansdowne Road in the glory days of Jackā€™s Army is another. His voice was an integral part of those days. He was inexplicably replaced at the height of his powers.

Yer man who did the classified check on Grandstand and his lesser known ITV equivalent.

The presenters of Trans World Sport.

The ā€œletā€™s get ready to rumbleeeeeeā€ chap from the boxing.

Eurosport commentators on minority sports whose names you donā€™t remember.

The Mind The Gap man.

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1990ā€™s innocent timesā€¦


The guy who did the intros for the 1990s Chicago Bulls

The Hustler is a stone cold classic

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The lad at Anfield has a very distinctive voice too. Light scouse often with a hint of a crack/break mid sentence, heā€™s been doing it for decades.