Celebrity Deaths 2023

if youre going to be a pedant, then it should be that the area he grew up in became deprived in the 80s, long after he moved out.

Ben Dunne and his father both died aged 74.

There’s nothing pedantic about this, it’s basic English

He lived in a big house with land, it was countryside, now it’s in the centre of a large community which has it’s share of social problems.
I happened to grow up about 100m away, as per my original post.
The Dunne family were well got in the area, I do know that, old Mrs Dunne in particular was well liked by the local (ordinary for want of a better word) people.

It’s bizarre the clamour for oofts sometimes

Are lads spreading untruths on TFK?

just the castle catholics

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Thats fine i suppose but no measure at all of the sort of person he was or the dunnes were. Martin cahill was supposedly very popular locally, as was charlie haughey. Sure Gerry Adams walked on water for some. Dunne senior was a famously, driven but nasty and tough business man. Farmers hated him, unions hated him and he refused to pay a single supplier until he had to, 90days (this was part of his business strategy.) They might have been popular in Mahon but they were all the while grinding suppliers and workers to the ground. That continues to this day. They were also famously involved in high level corruption. This certainly involved ben junior but most likely ben senior in my opinion as he stayed running the business right up til his death. Well got in Mahon, widely disliked and even hated by people who had to deal with them or work for them. And fucked over ireland too.


I Like It Good Job GIF

Jesus mate, I meant nothing by it.
It was just a simple comment, when we were kids that place was in shit and we’d sometimes hear that it was where the Dunnes stores people used to live.

Young Ben may have been involved in all sorts but he seemed a personable chap, I have no opinion on him beyond that.

It’s actually mad sometimes the things you’d be dragged onto on here, and that other cunt lapping it all up as usual.

I took grave offence at @farmerinthecity suggesting I was born with a silver spoon :grinning:, I can’t help people who don’t understand basic English :man_shrugging:

Jesus what? I’ve one post calmly explaining a bit of context around the dunnes and what they were like. I’d imagine Ben senior split opinion like Michael O Leary does today.


dont forget bringing in produce from apartheid SA and then suspending the shop workers who refused to handle it.

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That’s one of the biggest blots on Dunnes copybook in fairness.


I don’t think there was any need, I hadn’t made any real comment on Ben Dunne other than ‘he wasn’t the worst’

My dad was born and reared in the area and would have remembered when the Dunnes lived there, he told us that Mrs Dunne was a nice woman, she must have done something to earn that respect in a very working class area, salmon fishermen were the mainstay at the time in that area.

Apologies, these ridiculous attempts at oofts from people who can’t read had me on edge

Are we happy to say that the Dunnes are responsible for large parts of cork becoming a cesspit?

People love cheap meat and cheap food.

I hate cheap meat.

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They are still like this. Every conceivable way they can cut the arse off a supplier they will - including requesting a fee for the privilege of being on the shelf of Dunnes Stores.

Hello money

Still standard practice

Is that not what instagram is today re influencers and products?

I don’t know - is it?