Celebrity Deaths 2023

100 percent
His whole gang are obnoxious
People are treated like shite by jumped up management
In most stores,
Incidentally I speak from personal experience going back yonks as my mate had total maintenance contract for Dunnes Munster
I worked for him over a 2 year period,
What I saw wouldn’t be allowed happen today in Dunnes or any other store,
I know of one cunt who gave such hassle to some drivers that this particular cunt ended up being fucked into a truck,shrink wrapped, stripped and abandoned in S Armagh,

  • Dunnes Cork didn’t raise any hackles
    Langer got home within 36 hours a changed bucko,
    No Ruc/ AGS involvement
    He got a sharp life lesson,
    Same prick held up drivers on purpose from the north
    Putting others ahead constantly- harassing same northerners time and time again,
    Some of these were trying to make ferries etc
    Obviously caused extreme distress and pressure,
    Well one guy had enough-

Terry Venables



Another from the youth has gone.

Another one I strongly associate with November 17th, 1993 gone now.

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The great Tim Vickery had a good take on Terry Venables I think. He saw him as maybe the most talented English coach of the modern era, but as somebody who got sidetracked by Cockney wide boy stuff that undermined his career.


Oh that’s sad. A good guy, great coach and manager. A renaissance man if you will.


A huge personality as well.

All gone now (maybe not the cake lady)

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Very likeable man RIP

Even the yellow pages is gone

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The man who made famous the Christmas Tree formation. RIP El Tel.


Didn’t he try and rip off Alan Sugar one time? He brought him to court and all

Lovely tribute from Gary Neville today, a lovely dig at Ferguson too.

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He also invented the Thingamywig. Some class of a hat with false hair sown into it.

He wrote crime novels too

Very definitive way to rule himself out of the ireland job.


Henry Kissinger finally kicks the bucket.

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Snl Season 44 GIF by Saturday Night Live4

Thats 2. Twink will bring it to 3. Kinda sorry I dropped Curtis out now. 4 would be unreale.

How did I put Brooks there, may need to change him.