Celebrity Deaths 2023

Lisa Marie Presley

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Over partied after the globes I wonder? A life etched with tragedy death and heartache at every turn. Very sad.


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Gina Lollobrigida - a great run, 95 is a good rattle at it.


Shes the best looking 95 year old I’ve ever seen.

Joey the lips named his trumpet after her!

The reason why is plain to be seen

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She stepped away from the movie industry about 50 years ago so apologies for not posting something more recent. There’s a few there, sadly not as alluring, so I went with a personal selection.

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As last social media posts go…


Fair to say you’d quickly spot who Bob was friends with on that stage


I’d be inclined to think he got that one wrong. Loads of people still listen to the Doors. A handful might listen to the Byrds and no one has listened to CSNY in a generation.


I’m not sure he can get an opinion “wrong”. I’m not sure I’d agree with it, but its still his to profess. I also like that there’s not two fucks given about him. He seemed a proper bit of an oddball, but I’d imagine that was a case of his upbringing and then the immense amount of drugs consumed.

Hell of a time to be a rock star.

Thinly veiled he was a cunt.

He certainly appeared to be.

The Byrd lads replacing Crosby’s head with that of a horse on the cover of the Notorious Byrd Brothers album.

A cracking album it is too.

CSNY now being played upstairs in Kehoes.

I was playing Joni Mitchell and Crosby Stills Nash and Young on YouTube around 8 to 9pm last night before I heard David Crosby had died.

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I rest my case.

David Crosby on meeting Jim Morrison while on acid: "He walks by and he pulls my shades off and says, 'You can’t hide in there '… I never liked him much after that.”