Celebrity Deaths 2024 (90 or younger)

Very true. Leo thinks the people should doff their cap to him

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Yeah, Leo is a glorious cunt, imagine studying medicine all those years just to hold it over fuckers on the rubber chicken circuit.

Bruton never wanted for anything in his life and hence simple couldn’t understand why anyone would want to upset the status quo, and attacked and belittled those that did.

Given that his family were wealthy farmers in the most prime land in the country would point to his ancestors being very close to the British.


Ah here- not a cap doffer! Is it only British establishment that wear caps?

Leaders should have a bit about them. Imagine getting your hair ruffled by a half pint.



His state pension was ridiculous… Twice that of any ex Tan PM and far more than any German chancellor …and he still went pimping himself out for private work all over the place… As you said, the apple didn’t fall far from the tan tree

The same lad who doffs his cap at tax avoider JP McManus waffling inane Ewanisms about former politicians not refusing pensions :joy:

Defending an utter bastard like Bruton is some rock to perish on, a cunt in life is still a cunt in death.


I wasn’t much of a fan of Bruton especially as regards his conservative stance on abortion but to unironically maintain he was an “utter bastard” is so out of touch with reality as to be hilarious.

The Government he led is widely accepted to be one of the best in the history of the state, arguably the best.

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he actually said that the war of independence was a civil war

He defended the bankers after the last crash and ridiculed the working man for suggesting bankers were any way to blame… With his 187k pension at the time… Let them eat cake says he.


Look who’s out to bat for him here sure.


Another ‘widely accepted’

Presumably from your memory of the time as well?

Bruton is Ireland’s Trump.

The same lads who shamelessly defend the worst excesses of international capital and currency speculation now pretending to be anti-banker. :joy:

It’s always great entertainment to see hypocrites tying themselves in knots like this.

Please provide me with a pretend serious analysis that says the Rainbow coalition was a bad Government.

Bruton has the dregs of the forum gunning for him.

That’s not the point.

Like I said earlier this is Kev type stuff. Sweeping comments with nothing to back them up only your opinion shaped for the argument you are in.

I would point to the collapse of the Northern Ireland peace process as a pretty significant drawback of that government. They weren’t entirely to blame of course but it happened on their watch.


It was partitioned because there were no nationalists in Parliament.

The 6 counties had long been pencilled in for some form of partition, even before home rule was passed