Celebrity Deaths 2024 (90 or younger)

Bruton nearly fucked the whole thing.

Partition was inevitable. Two groups of citizens with beliefs at the opposite ends of the spectrum in terms of the crown. And staunch to go with it.

Dev not going to the final discussions was the ultimate self serving act by an Irish politician.

It is the point. You’re now denying that the Rainbow Coalition is not widely accepted as having been one of the best Governments in the history of the state. Any even mildly clued political observer accepts it was.

It got divorce legalised, it brought in the Criminal Assets Bureau, it started the wheels in motion for light rail in Dublin, the public finances were in an exceptionally good state at the end of it and Ireland was in probably its healthiest economic position ever by the end of the Government. It didn’t attempt to bribe voters like Fianna Fail did.

Personally I’d put a lot of that Government’s positive impact down to Labour but Bruton chaired that Government in a highly competent manner and it was extremely harmonious compared to the Fianna Fail-Labour Government which preceded it.

I’m really not sure how Bruton was in any way to blame for the Provos bombing Canary Wharf or going into a hospital and shooting people like the Israelis did last week. You should probably direct your anger at the people who actually did those things.

Perhaps the problem with Bruton for some people here is that he wasn’t corrupt like Haughey or Ahern and booted Michael Lowry out of Fine Gael when Lowry’s corruption came to light. Maybe if Bruton had been a corrupt huckster he’d have more respect from these people.

Sure he’s already come out swinging for tubridy and ballymaloe. At this stage he’s like Steven from django

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I don’t remember any of Bruton’s reign/term as Taoiseach and therefore have no strong feelings about it. There. I said it

The lad who kept swinging for Gemma O’Doherty even after she was shouting “communists” at cows in a field in the Dublin foothills at 7am resorting to making stuff up now.

This was a top post

Same here.The way some of the lads are going buck ape apeshite over him is nuts.
Homer Simpson in a suit.End of.

Be better served focusing on the living and the likes of Varadkar in particular.Thats one of the most devious,populist and weak human beings that ever darkened the doors of Leinster house and will go down in history as same.


From Fergus Finlay a few years back…

“Is he naïve? Stupid? Unthinking? Callous? Some combination of all of those qualities?

Or is he some kind of visionary, a prophet determined to speak truth to power?

Actually, John Bruton is none of the above. For all sorts of reasons though, he’s a million miles removed from the ordinary struggles of people’s lives. And that removal from other people’s realities has produced a leading public figure who seems incapable of genuinely understanding how most of the world around him lives. He has arrived at the point where it really is impossible to take him seriously any more.

…I read in the Sunday Independent newspaper a speech given by John Bruton in which he asserted that there were credulous people in Ireland who believed that bankers were in some way responsible for the austerity we’ve had to endure — just as in the 17th century people blamed witches for everything that went wrong.

At first I thought it was a joke.

…he’s also on the record as saying that it’s long past time that we stopped asking banks and financial service companies to invest in the tiresome business of complying with regulation. He recently said that we needed to accustom ourselves to ten more years of austerity…”

The same lad who gets all his opinions from drug addled far right headcase Jordan Peterson complaining about somebody else being out of touch with reality. :grin:

Tweeting Kylie Minogue asking to welcome her to Ireland and that meal prep fridge tweet were two steps too far. Neglecting his actual job while partaking in irrelevant populist shite on social media.

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Paddy pretend Republican here.

Provisional SF getting upset is neither here nor there. Let’s not forget that the slow learners were moaning about QEII’s visit.

Made up.

This will have some lads here foaming at the mouth in rage


Vincent Browne is a huge loss to Irish political journalism.


The time he burst his hole laughing when Niall Collins came on the show and said his political hero was Nelson Mandela.


Fionnan is not made out for speaking to lads outside his echo chamber. Spice Bag gave him some doing last year.


And his leaking to media is another one.Real snakey.
Not to mention the pic of him picking the hardened snot from his snout in a park a while back with a pair of short trousers on him.
Twas a wonder he didnt ate it,the filthy animal.

You wouldn’t see Charlie or Bertie at that craic.Or Bruton.

This is one of the greatest meltdowns of all time. Lenihan nearly went for him for a finish.