Celebrity Deaths 2024 (90 or younger)

I’d be more a Claire Brock fan myself but its all a little sterile. Ivan Yates was better.

I know its nostalgia but they were simply incredible times with Vincent. Our Business teacher used to tell us to watch it as homework during those halcyon days of the recession. He used wind up Paul Murphy and Richard Boyd Barrett like kippers when introducing them as the “Profit before People” party.


Vincent Browne had a very aggressive west Limerick, traditional socialist way about him.

He was box office at the time. He fucked the land league crew off fairly lively.

The Gerry Beades lad and co didnt know were to look that time.


“G’luck Jack, g’luck g’luck g’luck”


He tried to get the FG nomination to run for European parliament. Think it was Bruton who stopped him

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Varadkar took the piss during covid. All the fucking time. Putting mean girls quotes into his speeches then taking requests for further quotes on twitter actually annoys me more than loads of the other fucking wanker shit. People were dying and he found that for the first time in his life he was actually popular, and he took the piss.


We’ll never see his like again

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Not to mention lord of the rings. But there was another occasion when a td asked a question about treatment availability for a child… leo went out of his way to be infuriating, contemptuous and dismissive…in a very subtle snide way. As entitled an insubstantial fraud as we’re every likely to see

Bruton used to wind the Shinners up like nothing else. Had his faults, but did his country some service, to paraphrase a predecessor of his.

As an aside, such was the amount of Vincent Browne clips posted here in the last few hours, I had to flick up through the thread to make sure the great man himself wasn’t dead too :cold_sweat:

Still the greatest moment of the last ten years. It’s the chuckling from Browne that makes it :clap:


Browne was class. How do fellas square the circle that he was a big fan of John Bruton though?

Vincent Browne was a huge fan of the Queen.

It’s quite funny that Morrissey turned out to be a far bigger toxic force for backward, bigoted establishment thinking than the Queen ever was.

Scutter from a know nothing who supports Russian Nazi genocide.

Bruton was instrumental in pressuring the Brits to set up the Bloody Sunday inquiry. His was the first Irish Government to take the Bloody Sunday families seriously.

If you don’t believe me, you can read what An Phoblacht wrote.


A meeting between members of the Bloody Sunday Justice Campaign and Taoiseach John Bruton, Tanaiste Dick Spring and Proinsias De Rossa in Dublin on Thursday 20 February has led to the Dublin government committing itself to assisting the relatives’ campaign for a new inquiry into the killings.

For the first time an Irish administration has publicly backed the families’ call for a new inquiry.

Bruton has ordered all files in the possession of the Irish government relating to Bloody Sunday to be compiled. The Dublin government has pledged to present the information to the British government on behalf of the families. Tony Doherty, spokesperson for the Bloody Sunday Justice Campaign said the Dublin government ``expects the British to respond in detail.‘’

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The last 24 hours on this thread a real eye opener. Paddy really hasn’t matured as a nation after all.

You dont know the half of it bucko. Some day you might.

There are lads here whose idea of serious political discussion is shouting “West Brit” on a keyboard from beneath their Manchester United duvet.

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“People in ministerial office, however Junior…”

:rofl: :rofl:

Is Paddy a nation now, he is?

Interview from 1997.

Bruton gets a mention here.


A great eye opener from a contemporary.