Celebrity Deaths 2024 (90 or younger)



Who was made up?

This is made up. As it suits a narrative.

A different time.

It used be compelling viewing from around 2008-2013.

I loved when he had Martin Mansergh and Constanine Gurdiev on.

The below is the single greatest political TV moment ever in my opinion.


By god… Your ignorance is astonishing.


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He’s posting rants by random anonymous Twitter cranks now :joy:

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Ciara Doherty has an attractive kind of moxie but you’d miss the Box Office nature of Vincent Browne all the same. Auld lads who’d rarely changed the channel off RTÉ 1 began to switch over to TV3/Virgin Media to see him in action.


irony GIF

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You’re steaming mate, take a break

Bertie for all his flaws will always have being the taoiseach that brought peace to this island

Just the facts. Redmond conceded a temporary one in 1916 and it was nixed by the U.K. government.

An Ulster identity was inevitable. But severing discussions with them was not. The 1918 election did that with the SF manifesto that pretending Unionism didn’t exist and the obliteration of the IPP. The bridge to southern unionists was lost.

Only a couple of days ago that Reunify32 was celebrating Provisional SF getting the plum gig in administering British rule in Northern Ireland.

The first draft for partition/ an Irish border was drafted as early as 1913… Redmond had all but accepted that partition was inevitable, as a temporary measure , by 1914… Sounds very familiar.

It’s no wonder Avril walked out on the cunt.

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The thing about John Bruton… i remember the bad old days with regular bombings, shootings, romperings, collusion and all the rest. He conspicuously and steadfastly condemned every death, providing it was at the hands of the ira. He valiantly stood up for the security forces, and the PUL community…which would have been fine if he’d even been a voice of protest in support of catholics north of the border. The fact is he found us distasteful, and he didn’t try to hide it. He was far from impartial, we would probably have had some respect for him if that had been the case. In reality he would have been a better friend to the British…had they not regarded such turncoatery with utter contempt
In his defence, he did once utter some slight criticism of the ruc following a sectarian parades decision. Credit where credit is due.


I recall watching that debate during my school days. I particularly remember the peace process part with Bertie saying he wanted to advocate for the nationalist community & Bruton retorting that an orange man from the Shankhill Road was as Irish as anybody else & he wanted to represent him too. I might have imagined that exchange unless somebody can provide the time stamp for it on the clip.