Celtic 2012/2013 season discussion thread

Banguraā€™s You Tube was impressiveā€¦

It wasnā€™t really but then again Izaguirreā€™s made him look embarrassing. Iā€™ll give the lad a chance but what an absolute farce of a transfer window, gearing up for these for the whole summer and we were filtering through a host of misfits in the end and had to rush through a poxy fucking loan deal for this no-mark. Looking at his video, he doesnā€™t seem to have any strong points. Surely there is uproar at the lack of ambition in this transfer window. A fucking loan.

Division three Sevco have shown more ambition than us this season.

Hopefully Ambrose will be a good signing, Iā€™m ok with this deal, itā€™s permanent and he looks to be reasonably decent.

This Mika poof can get fucked as far as Iā€™m concerned. I fully expect him to be sent packing home before the end of next January when we will bring in another misfit on loan. Heā€™s Brozek mk II. Iā€™d have much rather keep Murphy than this cunt. Thinking of burning my hoops this evening in protest.

One more to come, Totti. Hold fire until you see whoā€™s on the way.


Thatā€™s it done.


Good night.

I donā€™t know who the player is. But thereā€™s a player inside Celtic Park about to sign.

My moneyā€™s on John Guidetti.

Neil wants to sign another striker and a third choice 'keeper. Doesnā€™t necessarily have to be completed tonight. Which suggests out of contract players.

BREAKING NEWS: Celtic have signed 'keeper Lubos Kamenar from Nantes on a year long loan with an option to buy.

CONFIRMATION: Free agents are eligible to play in the Champions League group stages if they sign before 11pm Celtic Park time on Monday night. Still looking to sign a striker.

Michael Owen?
There was always a chance it would happen but the demise of Rangers has led the Celtic board confident theyā€™ll win the league without any investment. They donā€™t seem to give a fuck about giving the Champions League group stages a go and are happy to go into the qualifying round again next year and bank on making it again. I genuinely couldnā€™t see how Rangers disappearing was going to be good for Celtic the obvious short term delight aside.

But this year isnā€™t any different to the last few. All Celtic have done in recent years is spend the cash thatā€™s been generated by player sales. I share Tottiā€™s frustration but this isnā€™t Rangers related in my opinion. We sold McGeady, Boruc and a few others and used the money to buy Kayal, Hooper and others a couple of years ago. This year itā€™s Ki being sold for Ā£5m and Forster and Ambrose and a few loans coming in.

Maybe youā€™re right but I canā€™t see how being 1/50 favourites or whatever it is for your league title can be any encouragement for money men to loosen purse strings. One loan signing of a no mark does, as Totti says, seem unbelievable for a team thatā€™s just qualified for the CL group stages. They probably feel investment isnā€™t going to get any better results than winning the league and qualifiying for the group stages so whatā€™s the point.

Was extremely worried about potential deals yesterday afternoon but happy enough in the end.

I cannot stand loan deals that donā€™t include options to buy and we have them with both Miku and the keeper. Apparently there had been a fee agreed with Mallorca for the Belgian lad but they changed their price when we got to CL. Iā€™m impressed by the other lad Miku though. Has a bit of pace and can play on the wing if required too. 11 goals in La Liga last season is healthy enough and he scored against Real and Valencia which is also promising.

Efe Ambrose has the physical attributes required. Hopeful heā€™ll be another good signing.

Free transfer today sounds like it will be McFadden.

Iā€™m still extremely angry at this insulting transfer window, itā€™s the biggest slap in the face Cunt Lawwell could deliver to all the fans that have renewed this season. Iā€™d rather we signed no striker than bring that no-mark from La Liga in on loan. Iā€™ve watched a compilation of goals heā€™s scored, they all seem to be tap-ins from counter attacks, we were looking for a player who can attack crosses who will be in able to find space in a congested box and this is not him, this is not him. Heā€™s every bit as pointless a signing as Brozek was last season. Iā€™ve seen lads come up with the logic that he must be good as he scored 10 goals in La Liga last season - what sort of fucked up logic is that? La Liga is every bit as mismatched in contrast of quality as the SPL in. Remember that diddy Ortiz last season - he was a mainstay in La Liga. Miku to me seems like Samaras without the ability, the heart and the character. I could be wrong, but I really, really doubt it.

Itā€™s the fact that we have had a whole summer to prepare for this, we have a windfall in terms of revenue, we have downsized massively in terms of our wage bill - yet he deliver this paltry and pathetic transfer window. An area which has been a long standing issue is being addressed with temporary fixes and unwanted players. I really thought we would press on this season and try and use the huns medium absence to our advantage, to take the likely CL qualification for the next three to four years and build a competitive squad. Instead we have done the opposite, we arenā€™t looking to improve our squad - we are in an active state of downsizing - when there is no need to. You can bet your bottom dollar that the operating costs of the club will be reduced and the profits will be increasnig - this money wonā€™t be invested in the playing squad but in the pockets of that utter cancer Peter Lawwell.

The board took us for mugs this season - all the talk that Rangers absence would not affect us, that we would press on irrespective, get fans to renew and then totally let us down like this. I saw last season as the turning point, we effectively turned the corner by returning a profit, a reduced wage bill and a competitive squad. Rangers dissolving should have effectively strengthened our hand - we should have a great chance of CL qualification for the next four years, we then shed a good 100k per week off the wage bill this season - taking in around Ā£7m in transfer fees and securing CL for this year. We could easily have spent a budget of Ā£10m this season on transfer fees, wiped out our debt and still posted a profit.

At the end of the day we were whittling down a list of names of quick fix misfits that we can get in to address what is in my opinion our weakest area - up front. Iā€™m at the tipping edge right now but if we dare to go to follow up the disgrace that is Miku with James McFadden - then I will really, really lose it. Weā€™ve been taken for a bunch of mugs. Iā€™m reasonably happy with the signing of Ambrose but Iā€™m crushed we didnā€™t even bother to try and strengthen the other other positions we are weak in - winger and striker.

Some Tunisian international striker, Lassad, expected to sign today


Iā€™ve had a brief glance at a YouTube video of this lad. He seems to be quite big and well able to hold the ball up but again heā€™s not the type of player we need, he likes to drop off the front a lot and link up with other players but he doesnā€™t seem like someone who will score too many goals for us and specifically heā€™s not the type of person who will attack crosses or possesses the positional qualities of a goalscorer - his track record seems to indicate heā€™s not much of a goalscorer also. Again Iā€™m a bit disappointed by this move but I do believe heā€™ll be more of a success than the other lad.

I would also like to add that he would remind me of Berbatov in his style (from the five minutes compilation Iā€™ve seen of him).