Celtic 2012/2013 season discussion thread

Matthews flashes a cross across the goal but just eludes Sammy.

[quote=“Bandage, post: 671420”]FFS Rocko. Celtic Twitter feed is ahead of you.

2-0. Super Joe Ledley.[/quote]

Refresh Bandage. Posted 2 minutes before you.

Another great run from Joe sets up a hand Doe a Wanyama but his shot is tame and saved.

[quote=“Rocko, post: 671422”]

Refresh Bandage. Posted 2 minutes before you.[/quote]

My own post was sending for 3 minutes pal. Not great coverage where I am. Maybe send one immediate post to inform me of a goal with a follow up more descriptive one to let us know how the move panned out. Not a criticism, more a learning point.

VĂ­ctor goes for a run down the sideline and bullies three lads out of his path. What a man.

Sammy makes it 3. Brown to Matthews who digs out a lovely cross for the Grecian Fenian to nod home.

this is delightful

just delightful


Rocko, tidy up your spelling please.

Rugby Park is bouncing.

Kayal on for Izzy. Charlie will go left back.

How did Lassad play today, bhoys?

Kayal smashes some Celtic supporting lad’s glasses with a rising drive.

Decent. Quiet enough but tidy and sharp.

only seen since the 40th minute

he was neat if unspectacular-didnt threaten much

we are linked with laquinta

Bomber, you’re missing too many Celtic games for my liking lately. Lassad was average enough in the first half. Has something about him though - thought his late cameo the other night was very good too.

Miku on for Hooper.

I am putting Roma first this season.

its cool bandage & rocko

Im back watching Celtic Ill field questions from now on

Ambrose heads narrowly wide from a lovely enticing Mulgrew free kick.

Mulgrew’s delivery from frees is far superior to his delivery from corners, he puts far too much height and pace in his corners whereas his frees are much flatter from wide areas.

Sheridan reduces the lead with a volley in acres of a space 8 yards out. Centre backs both sucked inexplicably towards the ball.