Ahead of the match away to Falkirk tomorrow there’s a bit of controversy among Celtic fans about the songs sung by our away support. Rangers are in trouble over sectarian singing last week and now Celtic are afraid they’ll get in trouble too.
For that reason a group of various online Celtic message boards met today and came up with the following:
Today, a meeting was held to discuss the issue of contentious songs by several Celtic forums and websites, including Celtic Minded, Celtic Quick News, Jungle Bhoys, MoreThan90Minutes, Kerrydale Street and Keep the Faith.
None of the people involved consider ourselves to be the voice of the Celtic support, however, we believe we have the best interests of Celtic Football Club at heart.
Between us, we decided that the best short term solution is for Celtic supporters in attendance at tomorrows game and the coming away games to explode into a rendition of “Hail Hail” at the first signs of any ‘contentious’ songs.
We are fully aware the issue of songs can provoke emotional arguments and heated debate. This is not a definitive resolution to the outstanding issues on this subject but it is most certainly designed to deter the footballing authorities from initiating proceedings against our club, and for many the excellent reputation of our fanbase. In the coming weeks there will be no doubt further additions to this perpetual debate but we implore the support tomorrow not to sate the wishes of those in the press and many others within Scottish society who are salivating at the thought of having justification in applying the adage that ‘they are as bad as one another’.
This issue will be discussed by many and is ongoing but with the support being under microscopic scrutiny tomorrow, perhaps like never before then the responsibility lies to prove we are different, we are unique and it is Celtic first, Celtic last and Celtic overall.
EDIT: Contentious - I think everyone already knows what the songs are that are covered by this. Soldier’s Song, Let The People Sing and The Fields Of Athenry are perfectly accpetable, we equally all know that.
A couple of points to note from this:
The Huddleboard did not take part. They’d be seen as a little more republican and a little less slavish to the views of the Board of the club so really you’re talking about the self-proclaimed good guys policing themselves
Nor were the Green Brigade invited who are a group of ultras/supporters who have done loads to try and generate support at home and away matches. The Jungle Bhoys have the backing of the Board and are watered-down cheerleaders to a certain extent.
I don’t want to see Celtic having points deducted but really picking and choosing songs is semantics. Boys of the Old Brigade seems to be forbidden. It’s about the IRA (in 1916) but it’s not really any different to the Soldier’s Song or The Fields of Athenry in hailing a rebellion. It just gets tarnished because it has the words “IRA” in it instead of a more generic term like “rebellion.”
I’d hate to see a song like Aiden McAnespie get drowned out by a chorus of Hail Hail. Not sure where this stands on the new “approved” list but it’s a cracking tune and more importantly it’s a passionate and important remembrance of someone murdered in the six counties. Though it has no proclamations of rebellion or mention of revenge it does have a reference to Gibralter which I think is probably enough for it to get disapproved.
In summary I think this is a load of nonsense. By all means eradicate sectarianism and bigotry but barring rebel songs is not progress - it’s hiding from deeper problems.
The only song we might want to cut out is “Roamin in the Gloamin” which is pro-Catholic more than anti anything else but it’s not really relevant and shouldn’t be sung.
Just my opinion but our away support is usually superb and I hope they are again tomorrow.