Celtic Transfers Summer 2010

Are you a provo? :rolleyes:

You don’t even understand what it means do you?

the ironing of that post- you have your leaving cert & a fetac course in hollistic medicine - you are the resident halfwit here

I love the fact that you get rattled by me. You still don’t know what a provo is though do you?

And to be honest, i know plenty guys who barely have a Junior cert who do know what it means, well what it means on this island anyway.

Your full of shit and contradictions fella, you think your an Irish rebel, then you think your Italian. Its kinda sad to see a guy so lost in his own identity crisis.

I blame the parents.


He was so rattled he rushed it i’d imagine in his fury. Or else he can’t spell. Either way he’s a total fucking retard. :smiley:

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 468384”]
He was so rattled he rushed it i’d imagine in his fury. Or else he can’t spell. Either way he’s a total fucking retard. :smiley:
[/quote]Kev is destroying NCC on every thread intentional or does it just come naturally to you? :smiley:


The missus has you doing the ironing late at night obviously.

The headshop must have reopened. :smiley: Best of luck with it NCC.




It’s a fucking Bart Simpson quote you mong. Yet another swing and a miss from the west clare simpleton who was packed off to Oz for stealing the turnips that were growing behind his mothers ears.


NCC taking a right battering here.

Sometimes i do it for a kick, but most of the time he does it to himself, its way too easy. Just like the rest of his mates he’ll wait for a day to post here again, or just ignore the hammering altogether, and then come back posting as if nothing at all happened.

Christ, I knew Kev was a simpleton but proudly accepting plaudits here takes things to a completely new level. God bless humour and those who provide it unknown to themselves.

There’s nothing more disturbing here than when the simpletons fail to appreciate any sort of humour at all and take everything literally then rush to congratulate one another on spotting the “error.” That’s three or four times in reecnt days that they’ve done this.

Anyway congratulations to Ireland’s Neil Lennon.

A greater crowd of bull shitters i have yet to hear. :smiley:

Are peoples simpletons because they know a quote from a tv show?

Ye really do live in a fish bowl lads, but at least ye think ye are the biggest fish in it.

Celtic linked strongly with signing Sol Campbell

That should be interesting. They’re very tolerant folk up there so I imagine Sol can expect a warm welcome for him and his lover.

Now there’s some cracking ironing.


I read talk of Jimmy Bullard last night. :wub: :wacko:

Bart Simpson posts on an internet forum?

big time- the dumbing down of this forum by the likes of watchyourtoes continues