Celtic Transfers Summer 2010

Looks like Robbie has been spending a few quid.


Just wondering what was Keanes scoring record for Celtic this season?

16 goals in 19 games

Celtic appear ready to appoint Neil Lennon as their permanent manager
Graham Spiers

Celtic are believed to be edging closer to appointing Neil Lennon as their new, permanent manager, with some sources at the club anticipating an announcement early next week.

Both Lennon himself and the club have remained tight-lipped about the development, though the interim manager and Peter Lawwell, the Celtic chief executive, are about to embark on a series of speaking “roadshows” with fans, starting on Friday in Glasgow.

The roadshows are designed to drum up enthusiasm among the faithful for next season after a dismal 2009-10 campaign, and with Lennon slated to appear in them, it would look bizarre were he not already confirmed as the club’s new manager.

Sources at Celtic yesterday were still refusing to give anything away, save to say that “progress is being made”, but some believe that Lennon will be confirmed in the role by Tuesday.

Celtic have obviously explored candidates other than Lennon — otherwise he would surely have been appointed by now — and the possibility remains that Dermot Desmond, the club’s main shareholder, will try to lure a prestigious name to Celtic Park as Tony Mowbray’s successor. It is believed that Celtic have even sounded out Martin O’Neill about the possibility of returning to Glasgow.

Celtic have also looked at the possibility of bringing in a veteran figure to work alongside Lennon in a jointmanagerial capacity, though it seems this avenue has been explored without much success.

Yesterday, Jeanette Findlay, the chair of the Celtic Supporters Trust, urged the club to make Lennon’s appointment known within days. “We have always said that, unless the club chooses to invest in a really big name, then Neil Lennon should be the next Celtic manager,” Findlay said.

“Yes, there is an argument that he lacks experience, and that the job may be coming a little too early for him, but on the other hand you can’t buy what Neil has got, in terms of his knowledge of Celtic, his feeling for the club, and what he knows is expected of us.

“We just feel that, when you look at some of the other names that have been mentioned, have they really got much more in terms of the type of experience that would count at Celtic, compared to Neil? In which case, barring a major expenditure to get someone of real renown, we think Lennon should be the man.”

Findlay will host the first of the Celtic roadshows in St Michael’s chapel hall in the Gallowgate in Glasgow on Friday, at which Lennon and Lawwell will appear to spell out their vision for next season for the club. Another five such shows are planned for the pair over the next six weeks — two more in Scotland, one in England, and two in Ireland.

Lennon, being lined up to take part, could be forgiven for thinking that he has a big part to play in the club’s future, if indeed “spelling out a vision for next season” is part of the purpose of such nights.

“These evenings were the idea of the Trust, and we are glad the club is going ahead with them,” Findlay added. “We have already had thousands of hits on our website inquiring about the details of the events, so we think they will be well-attended.”

Meanwhile, Celtic are ploughing on with player recruitment for next season, regardless of who will be in charge. Lennon has urged the club to seriously consider a bid for Gary Hooper, Scunthorpe United’s prolific young striker, while the Ireland midfield player, Steven Reid, who has just been freed by Blackburn Rovers, and Daryl Murphy, of Sunderland, are also on the club’s radar.

Sol Campbell is also said to be open to the possibility of joining Celtic on a two-year deal, though the 35-year-old’s wage demands are a potential stumbling block.

Rocko, he’s already got the job as I exclusively revealed last week. I’m still sitting on the fence a bit over it all; I’m not displeased about it as he’s got the toughness and belief to be a success, I reckon. But it’s hard to look beyond his inexperience all the same. Jeanette Findlay’s quotes in that Spiers article are more or less saying ‘Look, he’s a Celtic man so his inexperience doesn’t matter’ but I’d like to think the Board exhausted all options. If they’ve been knocked back by some serious candidates and it was a case of Lennon above Levein and whoever’s the flavour of the month in the Championship down in England at the moment, then I’d have happily gone for Lennon. But if they limited their search then it’s just a case of lack of ambition again. I think the hold up over the formal announcement is due to his back up team being finalised; Mjallby may be going to manage back in Sweden and Lennon wants Garry Parker (a colleague from his Leicester days) and the hunskelper, Alan Thompson, to join his coaching team.

Not another appointment that knows the Celtic way :rolleyes: . Shambolic lack of ambition. This is Staunton esque. Letting Strachan go is looking pretty ridiculous now. Lennon is a total shot in the dark.

Garry Parker was a decent player for Villa back in the BFR glory days. Alan Thompson another ex Villain was useless.

Kristofer Boyd will NOT be joining Celtic.

Fairly emphatic statement from the club this morning alright DB. I hadn’t even heard of any links.

When I was over for Scotch Cup weekend all the talk was of Boyd and Messi joining.

Could be significant that they have not released a statement refuting the Messi rumour.

Myself and the Beak agreed that of the 2 Messi would be the better signing so not too downhearted by this morning’s statement.

You’d want to see Messi playing off a big lad though wouldn’t you? A guy like Boyd would clean up in the air and knock 'em down for Messi to hit home. They’d be great together but if forced to pick I’d go for the proven SPL track record.

Stephen Reid failed the medical

any chance of mcgeady moving to a bigger club. (im sure blackpool would take him)

[quote=“Pikeman, post: 468410”]
Stephen Reid failed the medical
[/quote]Ah for fuck sake,this guy is a walking disaster! :angry:

Tomorrow’s Sun doesn’t take kindly to Celtic dismissing their story about KKKris Boyd being approached to join on a Bosman:

KRIS BOYD was this week in Tenerife with signing overtures from Celtic whirling around in his mind.

That is a FACT despite the flippant and predictable statement of denial made on the club’s official website yesterday.

The knockdown merchants of the media outlets who never break a story of their own will seize on that morsel thrown down from the boardroom table at Celtic Park.

SunSport? We’ll settle for the TRUTH.

The story of how in January Hoops chiefs told Tony Mowbray money was there to fund a cut-price swoop for the Rangers striker.

Boyd told close confidantes at Murray Park but Mowbray didn’t fancy the player and vetoed any move for him. That is a FACT.

In the past week the idea of swooping for Boyd, now available for free on a Bosman, was floated once again.

SunSport revealed yesterday that led to the player turning to those he trusts and asking their advice because his mind was in turmoil.

The born and bred Rangers fan knows only too well the repercussions of such a move.

But this is the biggest summer of his life, the one that’ll decide his football future with the likes of Newcastle and Birmingham clamouring for his signature. Boyd did NOT invite the interest from Celtic but it was there and he had a right to examine the prospect. That’s a FACT.

Yesterday Celtic’s denial of the story was, they said, categorical.

This morning SunSport stands by our exclusive. Categorically.

When the truth of behind-the-scenes manoeuvres this summer emerges - possibly when Boyd signs for a new club and is free to talk - there will be major embarrassment for some. Not for us.

In transfer dealings football clubs love to hurl around words like honesty, dignity and integrity. They seldom practice any of them - that is the way of the world.

Fans will always gobble up the words pumped out through the official club media as the gospel truth. Big mistake.

On the Friday before Robbie Keane signed for Celtic this paper had the story bang to rights. We phoned the club and asked for confirmation and were told they couldn’t look at a deal for a player of that stature.

On the Monday Robbie Keane duly arrived from Spurs and signed on loan.

This paper lives on breaking stories, it always has since we told the world Mo Johnston would sign for Rangers in 1989.

We’ll continue to make it our mission to bring you those stories even when the Old Firm clubs HATE the timing of them.

The first line of that Celtic statement yesterday read: ‘Welcome to the silly season.’

You could argue that a silly season was one where a board presided over a campaign that saw them win no trophies and appointed a manager who flopped horribly and had to be emptied after a 4-0 thumping at St Mirren.

That, though, would be being flippant.

That’s bizarre. Why does anyone give a shit what the Sun thinks about anything? They knew about Robbie Keane before anyone else including the club and Keane himself apparently. Odd that they were certain of it on the Friday and Robbie didn’t leave London until late on Monday by chartered jet to meet the signing deadline.

The new Celtic home strip, which Sol Campbell and Kris Boyd will be wearing next season:


Fairly shit really, in my opinion. I don’t like the collar, stupid looking pattern on the green part, the ‘Tennent’s’ emblem looks fairly tacky and I don’t appreciate the red ‘T’ on the shorts.

Keeper’s top isn’t great either.

I have to agree with all that Bandage. Very little appealing in that photo. Scott Brown the main man again, silly pattern, shorts ruined, black trim, red logo, it’s all shite.

I don’t see Boruc hanging around to play in that keeper’s jersey either.


Shit shoulder and arms in particular. There was a phase of kits having these jaggy lines / stripes back in the mid 1990s - they were crap then and still are now.

The Star has the Lennon story tomorrow.

I also don’t like the kit btw. It’s a bit like the one from the early 90’s with “People’s” on it, except that one was better. Not the proper shade of green. Don’t like Nike as a kit manufacturer generally but the first few efforts weren’t bad. This one is though.

Aurellien Collin linked this morning.