Celtic v Dundee


Great passing move there with Griffiths and Commons combining to free Brown to slot home comfortably. Lovely football.

Lovely goal

Smashing nuts by Commons but he blazes over.

[QUOTE=“Rocko, post: 1132029, member: 1”]Green Brigade support for Guidetti:

What’s all that about?

That second goal was sheer quality. :clap:

He was disciplined by the SFA for singing a song that referenced the death of the huns.



They have a long bus journey home…

Bobby Madden has had a refereeing performance tonight that could best be described as Scottish.

Penalty for a shove on Fisher. nice ball from Bitton.

Pity Johansen went off for @Juhniallio’s bet. Commons buries it.


Fuck you Aberdeen, we’re gonna win the league.


What a fucking goal that is. WHAT A FUCKING GOAL


Here comes the ROAR

Hope you enjoyed that @Ebeneezer Goode

Terrific performance. I love that Ronny Roar.

I haven’t clapped and danced in the one spot to a drum beat like this since the Temple of Sound!!!