Champions League 2015/16 Round of 16

I think Chelsea are going to go through here.

Costa is a big loss for Chelsea. He actually looked like he gave a shit tonight, for a change.

Didn’t look badly injured, mind.

Hopefully after penalties


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What a goal.

He’s purged the EPL AGAIN!

Great shout @Juhniallio

Bravo Zlatan.

Game over.

Red rover

I think it’s the first time, mate.

Scored last week, mate.

That was a sublime pass by Thiago Motta to send Di Maria away.


George finally understanding the away goals rule

A class act.

Don’t think he was playing against an EPL team last week.

Away where mate?

In the first leg, pal. Might have been 3 weeks ago.

Away down the wing, mate. Are you not watching?

They came close a couple of times recently to exploiting that area. Lovely weight and angle on that pass alright.