Champions League 2021/22 - Another Magic night in Madrid from the Kings of Europe

No mate, that’s not allowed

Hackie has drawn a line in the sand….

del bosque soccer GIF by Fusion

I don’t think they were kettling the lads attending the Monaco Grand Prix

Were there many drunk angry ticketless fans at the grand prix

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You weren’t there so you tell me.


Fake tickets, rushing the turnstile yada, yada, yada

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A Madrid angle. It completely backs up what Liverpool supporters have been saying.

My experience at Stade de France past saturday was the worst at any Sports or large event ever. UEFA and French authorities to blame. UEFA should not be allowed by clubs to organize another final.

1/ We were a family of 14 Madrid members and fans led by my dad 87. We left for the stadium at 6pm on a van to be able to access the stadium safely without the expected crowds on the Subway. My father is in good condition for his age but It was a long day.

We were 100 meterse away from the first secuirty checkpoint at Rue Henry Delaunay. There were no signs at all to guide people, only a crowd and at the end a very narrow entry (only 3 fans checked at a time). We decided to wait to avoid the crowd. We did so for more than 50 min.Image

The crowd barely moved during this period. No one, police or Stade/UEFA officials did give any instructions or alternative less crowded access. At this checkpoint there were many locals but their behaviour was not as bad as reported in other parts of the stadium.

All the other entrance to the concourse around the Stadium that we could see from there were (unexpectedly) closed, and many locals were jumping the fences. Luckily, after begging to an official on a corner of the street, on the condition of my fafher to stand the crowd,

We were allowed to bypass the crowd and get to the checkpoint. As my ticket was on paper, an official with a pink pen marked a rectangle on the back of the ticket, and as the ticket has been on my pocket for the day, the material may be a bit teared off, and the official screamed

FAKE TICKET FAKE TICKET. After calming him down I asked him to repeat the procedure and he was convinced my ticket was original. With the tools of our age, how come an official is given a pen to decide wether a ticket id fake or not.

Officials were scared and not given the adequate tools to handle the situación. No info was given yo fans. UEFA should not be allowed to run an event like this any longer.

French police atitude was completely out of context. Seemed like they were not there to assist and help the public.
Behaviour by fans, Real and LFC was exemplary throughout our stay in París and on this access.

Finally, we got to the concourse around the Stadium at around 8.35. Luckily my tickets were on Gate K, where there was no crowd to entry. However other Gates had lines of more than 500 meters on the Madrid side.

It seems, as we learned later that you could access the Stadium by neighbour Gates, but no secuirty officials dared to hell people. Again @ChampionsLeague to blame for such a failure. No one either told the fans outside the match was delayed.

One of my brothers suffered an atempt of ticket robbery as he was entering the Stadium, but managed to avoid it with the help of an organización crew. My father and other brother were not so Lucky as their tickets were on Gate X were more incidents, gas, runs, happened.

They decided to quit the Stadium after the Gate was closed and there were no info given by no one of the delay an eventual reopening and to avoid any dangerous situation for my father.

We were lucky on exiting the Stadium, but many other Madrid fans were robbed or attacked by gangs of what seemed to be locals, while exiting the Stadium or on the Subway, with a total absence of presence and action from French police. It almost seemed it was allowed on purpose.

This is what we saw, French Minister and UEFA officials trying to put the blame on LFC fans is absolutely disgusting. @UEFA should not be allowed to run a final anymore.

Why only Madrid?
Serious egg on face for @Special_Olympiakos , @Bisto and @Lazarus

There were also serious problems at the rugby.

The French interior minister Gerald Darmanin keeps digging his hole of lies ever deeper. He is a disgrace and should resign.

I’m a regular in Paris for sporting events. Never any issues ever. All I have is praise for the French police.

The only time there is an issue is when the Liverpool fans turn up. That isn’t a coincidence.

They can’t behave themselves.

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Usual suspects sorry that nobody was killed so they could really lord it on the internet, sad cunts :man_shrugging:


Pretty much every story is now immediately plugged into the right wing/reality denying culture war.

You see it with the Amber Heard v Johnny Depp trial, and you see it with this, where there are no facts and no context that can ever remotely persuade idiots and trolls of the truth.

There’s no need to wonder why democracies are crumbling. The reactions of online idiots and trolls to these stories demonstrates why.

It’s basically QAnon level stuff.

Remarkable how similar the reports are from the game.

All of course swept under the carpet as they try and re right history again.

History is right on by the winners.

The footix are saying that madrid fans had a horrendous time too yet they were all in before ki k off, weird

Ian o doherty backing the liverpool fans i see

Ian O Doherty, James Geoghegan, Marie La Pen. There’s a pattern here