Champions League 2021/22 - Another Magic night in Madrid from the Kings of Europe

For some lads the only regret is that there were no casualties.

Liverpool fans by and large being highly praised across media

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Thereā€™s no doubt there were a few idiots among the crowd who were Liverpoolā€¦ But it seems to be emerging more and more that it was locals rushed in and over the barricade. Scores of fans at the game were robbed afterwards also and it wasnā€™t Liverpool fans as no one was pissed on.


I never said they werenā€™t locals, I said they were Liverpool fans. Could well have been local Liverpool fans

Fair play pal.

Across the english and irish media

Whats the italian papers saying ?

The French interior minister claims 175,000 people turned up to the Stade De France with fake tickets.

I mean, at least try to make your lies remotely plausible.

Can you imagine the crush if that many were there. It was a disgrace. Liverpool fans behaved impeccably.

Heard his place looks like shit.


We are glad you and everybody else is safe. That is the real victory.

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Not everyone is. Lots of people seem happy 9 year old LFC fans were maced and put at risk of crushing by the French police. Their own fault according to them.


eh, the ticketless fans & fans with fake tickets caused this

the french police saved lives

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ā€œIt was a plandemic!ā€
ā€œStop the steal!ā€
ā€œHunter Bidenā€™s laptop!ā€

A lot of them are. Thankfully Iā€™m not a Dublin airport employee


Odd that you are backing le pen here

As the kerryman says go far enough east and youā€™ll end up west ā€¦

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Roberston made no effort to get back either

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It was a great weekend of Finals, you had the Champions League Final, the Play off Final, big rugby final and 4 provincial Finals, you also had the Monaco Grand Prix. I suppos tehere could have been trouble at all those events but for some reason the trouble only came from one section of the Champions league Final


You bit hard there.

Ah right, you live in the airport.