Champions League 2021/22 - Another Magic night in Madrid from the Kings of Europe

Great goal.

that was beautiful

Some team.

great to watch

Don’t try to out-shithouse Atletico

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The commentator on bt sport was all but writing atletico off when Suarez was subbed early saying it could be his last champs league game
They’ve stuttered through the group but teams will want to avoid them in the knockouts

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Just watching the highlights there.

Jesus that was vintage Atletico tonight. Shades of Anfield 2020 about it.

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Snow game in Bergamo.

Game cancelled

Going to play it tomorrow, apparently.

Benfica 2 up already. Barca need to beat Bayern

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Going to be slumming it in the Europa League this year.

Howler there from Ter Stegen. Barca 2 down and going out.

Messi destroyed Barcelona.

Be good to see a traditional European power like Benfica advance at the expense of Johnny come lately Barcelona.


Amazing how well he kept them together

They swatted Barcelona away in the final when they met

Looking good for Colonel Von Trapp’s boys.

Sevilla going for another EL I see.

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You just know United are getting sporting lisbon or Mozarts boys next round. Ajax reward for 100% record will be Chelsea no doubt