Champions League 2021/22 - Another Magic night in Madrid from the Kings of Europe

look ye dense bastards.

An object that is moving down cannot move back up on a whim, without interaction from a third party. Gravity won’t allow it.

I know Liverpool fans haven’t a firm grasp on reality but to think Thiago can defy the laws of physics is some going.

This would depend on the density of the moving object.

Understanding it would also depend on density.

I’m pro-phsyics, anti-chemistry.

No wonder you’re still a virgin!

so unless a soccer ball is tied to a rope it will lift off out of the stadium?

What’s wrong with being a virgin?

Funny you mention rope… :grin:

Oh sweet jesus.

Fairly decisive lead for backspin in the poll so far, as you’d expect.

It’s early days though.

Validation of the theory that the majority of this forum are absolute melts.

Ajax have been incredible in the group stage. Will be interesting to see how they do in the knockouts

Atletico vs porto is a belter

Kenny Cunningham is very odd.

Porto and Atletico are two clubs that will do anything. This is brilliant

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real old school :slight_smile:

last 20 minutes will be great

Scenes *nobody likes to see



atletico played that very well - text book skullduggery

Won’t somebody think of the children type commentary on BT :joy:

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bizarre from them

There’s going to be a few more cards here.